
Monday, April 13, 2020

Election Day 2020 Will Be Cancelled, America

The Dark Weeks Of Early April that Killed American ‘Democracy’-The Rise of Trump’s New Empire

KC Shoen

The CoronaVirus Election Primary has now produced a sole challenger in Joseph Robinette Biden Jr to take on Donald Trump in November,  now that Senator Bernie Sanders has faded away into the stratosphere of end-game mediocrity after a meteoric start in January, exiting his campaign with a  quiet whimper (as has become his signature manner of losing). April 9th was the official funeral of the Sanders campaign, although it had died immediately after Super Tuesday  a month prior, in March.

Biden, a necrotic mastodon of American Militarism  and  toxic, racist  masculinity, through his vast adroit ineptness of semi-conscious, pre-alzheimer's onset blunberbussing  stumbled  just long enough  for the establishment to allow him to continue to represent the non-progressive, anti-working  class, Wall Street-sponsored ‘Democratic Party’. Completely incognizant, without moral compassing, (and, as was recently learned,  allegedly assaulting a woman sexually in 1993), Ol’ Dirty Joe the Anti-Negro has been given a pass to go after the other misogynist lying asshole who represents the “Republican Party’ for the right to be given 4 year ticket to the White House,  to fuck up the already-dysfunctional US Federal Government further, and lavish his corporate masters with more bennies and goodies like every president before him since Nixon, being  the good corporate whore that he is…

There is one problem however. There will not be an ‘election’ this November. Period.

These first two weeks of April in the worst 'year our Lord' in recent human history, will begin the point where all the dynamics as mentioned below converged and combusted, sending the US directly into authoritarianism under Donald John Trump.

On April 10th 2020, the US had  recorded 2000 deaths in one day from CoVID19, it’s deadliest yet. The Huffington Post lead photo on its main page were of prisoners on work detail burying bodies in basic pine coffins and placing them in a mass grave on Hart Island in New York. 

All taken, it was punctuated with over 500,000 confirmed cases that same day, nearly half of the world total (according to JohnsHopkins Coronavirus map, which is updated by over 100+ plus countries in real time )

Trump, up to this point, was beginning to get squeezed by an irritated press corp whom had grown tired of his daily affirmations of self-absorption, circumvention of accountability, emphatic and senseless ranting at specific reporters during his ‘corona virus briefings’ , and turning these into a sideshow  to boast of his pseudo-magnanimous being, intelligence and how his ratings are better than The Bachelorette. On April 11th , Trump was backed into a corner , tired , haggard , and  having to simultaneously traverse around these death tolls and still manage plausible deniability, protect his cronies and still be the smartest boomer in the room. It is the most solemnly exhausted he has ever appeared...

4 days prior on April 7th, 2020  California Governor Gavin Newsome, frustrated that needed N95 face masks for medical personal and ventilators were not being delivered by the Trump administration with any urgency,  given the state’s escalating death count from CoVID19, declared California a ‘nation-state’, meaning the state retained the right to skirt Federal law for the sake of its survival and well being in accordance with the US Constitution.  Governor Newsome also detailed how he would coordinate support of materials to other states such as Illinois and New York (both of whom are facing steep shortages in desperately needed ventilators) with any excess inventory that California may possess and manufacture , through new and direct outsourcing agreements the state has already made with manufacturers in China, and doing so without Federal oversight nor funding.

The declaration is based upon John C Calhoun’s theory of the nullification of Federal compliance due to a crisis in democracy within the State. It is ironic how a pro-slavery vice president from the 1820’s  is a direct genesis of this approach is being utilized in the liberal kingdom of California, but in the Gilded Age of The Corrupted Elites, action had to be taken. While this has had some traction in the mainstream media, it is staggeringly significant in that it could signify the end of the Union of the United States as a result of the pandemic, due largely from the Trump administration’s anemic, recalcitrant, and careless response,  with California potentially being the first state to exit. 

Coupled with this incredible possibility, on April 11th  several more governors rendered serious concerns of competency about the administration responsiveness, merged with  the equally historic fact, that on the same day, and the for the first time in US  history every state and territory under US jurisdiction declared for  federal disaster relief simultaneously.

Another gut punch to Trump's staggering ego was confirmed research that the Corona virus spreading ferociously through the  US primarily  originated from Europe. Cases had been 'indexed' and it was noted that, particularly when Italy went into emergency lockdown, is when the virus  began to take root. The administration had failed to secure flights emanating from Europe, and thus, deter entry as a whole until it was too late. The insurgent (and unencumbered) flights arriving at the eastern seaboard would decimate New York with ravaging abandon. Trump's usual defiance in the face of fact took a more defensive tone, challenging the empirical evidence as nothing more than conspiratorial reporting. His favorite target, China , was at this very point on April 2nd, taken away from him through detailed  research and, later,  indexing of confirmed source cases of the European strain of SARS CoV-2. The virus most copiously did begin in China, but was not the epicenter the United States, where ⅔ of the first  American cases were initially traced back to Italy and European territories. China was found to be less than a ⅓ , while other US states made up the remaining source of the virus.

On April 13th, 8 state governors (including the California Governor), in response to Trump's insistence that he will ‘open the states’ at his discretion, banded together to release a collective statement that the states themselves will determine what and when it is best to open their borders and revive their local economies. Later that afternoon, President Trump bellowed with great defiance that indeed  he is “full control’ of the states decision,  his “authority is total”and will “write up papers on this”. Both he and his crony staff repetitively reaffirmed this Constitutionally incorrect assertion before the press.

Just prior to the Governors defiance of Trump on that same day, Trump's accelerated delirium and fear of his damaged ego proved no more palpable than in these two tweets delivered nearly 24 hours of each other.

Between these two tweets, there were approximately 16 addressing only his reactions to the media and his continuing defensive posture about the Coronavirus.

16  installments of narcissistic, pedantic, feverish solipsism-peppered ignorant canards, all in defense of his precious thin skin. This particular set is especially unsettling, however, as it is punctuated with a direct reference to his ‘working hard’ against the “corruption and dishonesty” in the media...


This thematic attribute was embraced by not only the Goebbels propaganda machine to the benefit  of the Nazi regime, but by the US ‘alt-right’ political fringe, who still have legitimacy of influence among the Trump faithful. Trump's assertion about having “total authority”, as previously stated, is not within the framework of the United States Constitution, but can lawfully be used in the suspension of Habeas Corpus for emergency reasons,  under Article 1 Section 9, known more specifically as the Insurrection Act

Trump has the authority under this emergency provision, when the threat of civil unrest hinders the ability of the  execution of the rule of law by the courts and local law enforcement. Otherwise known as martial law: the direct take-over of states and local municipalities to enforce order as deemed necessary by the Executive Branch, for an indefinite period of time. And, as with nearly every ‘free’ nation on Earth, this ‘failsafe’ allows suspension of the Constitution indefinitely as well.

Trump is in trouble right now: The death toll keeps climbing, state governors are rebelling against the administration's iniquitous and incompetent responses and threatening to go it alone, the press is fatigued with his bloated and cowardly megalomania, now openly needling him despite his bellicose and brutish strongman shtick, the Union is coming undone, and the United States for the first since the 1930s will experience a monumental Great Depression unlike anything  ever experienced in our lifetimes. Moreover, the disastrous handling of the Corona virus exposed the US as being nothing more than manicured, well-decorated banana republic where its citizenry have allowed 97% of the country’s wealth to be held by 3% of the population, letting their government to create policy to be tailored and sold to the largest private enterprises and the highest bid possible for personal gain.

Trump didn't create some of this, but his legacy as the 45th President of The United States is directly impacted.  As a man who is incessantly obsessive over his image and desperately craves adulation for every movement he makes, he will not surrender any narrative that can plausibly indict him for his malfeasance. Like several anti-intellectual and untalented billionaires he has been classed with, to have his personae defaced and disenfranchised  by the unbiased records of history will not be tolerated by him, no quarter.

Trump does not care about any human life outside of his own, hates the working class and ethnic minorities, has a staunch hatred of science, and hinges his political  future on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The only tolerable outcome where he can retake his ‘lost advantage’ and control how history is recorded of him is by taking total control of the United States and those who would dare speak or write the truth against him, as  King Donald the First.

There will be no elections in November 2020, America. And if so, it will be for the coronation of your new King. And do not dare savage his name as there will be prisons and detention centers that await you….

Friday, April 10, 2020

From MAGA to #MeToo: Your Activism is Bullshit, Your 'American' Life Means Nothing & Inequality is The Global Grim Reaper

By KC Shoen

“Tame street protests are doomed to failure. If you file for a parade permit or let the police pen you up in a ridiculous “free speech zoneor promise that you’ll be nonviolent no matter what, your street protest will be drowned out by the clinking of glasses and the popping of champagne corks in the salons of the ruling classes.” --Ted Rall

As Australia had finished  a near- complete environmental and ecological collapse under the sheer weight of multiple incendiary cyclonic macro-systems created by the excessive smoke , heat and drought conditions, and is giving way to the Corona virus pandemic being the new incendiary device destroying not only the fabric of conventional  economic Neo-liberalism, but human life itself, I would like to take this opportunity upon this marker of the human timeline and say fuck your environmental and political activism and protest. 

None of it is doing shit.

My disaffection toward ‘activism’ has been punctuated  by witnessing the American mainstream media’s continual deepthroating of corporate and government entities for confluence via the distribution of  blindingly dense propaganda, not concerning itself with genuine journalism. Instead, dedicating its services in expanding capitalist fascism, making room for itself to exist within it. 

Western governmental agencies supporting such increased propaganda under the Coronavirus pandemic are protected by private industry,  and passively allowing the disease to kill the more impoverished. unprotected, ethnic working-class population at a higher velocity. Taking an enlightened  and compassionate approach and saving as many human beings as able with access to available resources is not an acceptable  revenue generator to keep markets ‘active’,  and it is not inline with the ruling class' desire to see governments deliberately fail in their civic obligation to the masses so they can continue to receive  their ‘ROI’ off its collective carcass. 

This leads to any  associated ‘resistance’  ‘protest’ and ‘pushback’ being nothing more than ego-induced, self-interested horseshit, for it is not focused on the primary element that  fuels the current environmental, social,  economic pandemic trifecta worldwide:  the primary disease allowing the continuation of our destruction of both humanity and the environment 


In the United States, our more nauseating and jaunted group of  cursory echo-addicted mainstream political activist-balls of Yak (both of the ‘left; and ‘right’) are more feverishly irritating given the petulant drivel  they cling to full-on. Their staunch beliefs, always edited to suit their linear agendastic and limited vision  (much of which is vacuously excavated of any notable nuance and reasonable candor), choosing the trading of barbs sent through corporate media outlets and twitter-spasms of apoplexy that end as deformed,  stomach churning, anti-intellectual, cerebral-numbing discourse . 

Both the liberal left and the conservative right are solipsistic bias-whores, both supporting the ongoing ‘cancel culture’ war between themselves, with the left exercising their selfish brand of pseudo-intellectual SJW , #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, #resist activism (much of which is racist and meant to solidify white entitlement using progressive themes as a cover: a form of lying), and its collective and continual psychotic hatred of the Trumps’ personae, while the right exists in its mindless patriotism, violent anti- woman / anti-ethnic mantras, xenophobic canards, religious zealotry, and its willfully ignorant consumption of unfounded conspiracy theories. Both sides being addled of any mental space for acknowledgement of what is truly killing humanity et al.


Ignored by much of the media (and, particularly American society), is the fact the US has been riding (and continues to ride) a bailed-out,  zombie economy since the market/ derivatives crash of 2008-09, extended by the  current pandemic. Moreover,  this bailout is to act as a 2 trillion dollar slush fund for the corporate elites to grab their share before a single face mask or ventilator is delivered to any US state. That is exactly the intent. 

American Corporations as a whole  had been grappling with regaining political leverage that was lost to Roosevelt during the Great Depression, adding  further insult to injury by his not only “welcoming their hate” but by dropping the New Deal for the nation to recover utilizing social safety nets, having corporate elites  heavily regulated and taxed for these social programs due to the damage done by them, beginning in the 1920s. 

They were held to account for the disparity and inequality they created 

By the 1970s , Corporations and Industrialists had finally found a friend within a Supreme Court appointee under Nixon, and for the next quarter-century, Justice Powell would deliver many a decisive turn for the elites, working in tandem under the Reagan administration during the great deregulation of Wall Street. The financial sector emerged from the decade a more prominent figure like never before, with more central  control in policy making it had not enjoyed for almost 60 years at that point  

Further adding to this new political  strength of financial institutions ,was the succeeding administrations of Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now Trump. The Neo-liberal policies that were at one time regulated and controlled to prevent inequality were gone, and since the Nixon administration had been getting steadily chipped away at, quietly. Working wages in the US would never see another meaningful rise, rather, staying at relatively the same stagnate rate since 1970. For further reinforcement, The Supreme Court did not miss their opportunity to solidify this power, so that the current political structures and parties could retain their control, to allow further Corporate benefits from favors, to enrich  themselves and their criminal friends in the Congress, Senate and the White House. 

Lobbyism, ‘revolving door’ Federal appointments for former CEOs from the financial sector and lobbyists that conflict with public interest,  and cronyism are normalized in American culture. Such as is the case of the perpetual wars all instigated by the United States since Operation Desert Storm in 1991.  The greed, corruption, violence, racism and despotism are all tolerated by a civically lethargic and distracted populace with no sense of indignation worthy of a strong  revolutionary push back for change. 

The willful ignorance, anti-intellectualism and divisiveness are all emblematic of a society devoid of true critical thinking, and consumed by material possessions and the further indebtedness of living beyond reasonable means. More terrifying is the fact that this ignorance is self-imposed. Verifiable facts and truth lose value against witless bias to ‘party’ and propaganda. Since the 1980s the self identification to a prescribed party or movement has become its own ‘branding’ , rather than a meaningful position or true social movement for change. Monikers and titles do not represent change, They are nothing more than symbols, and symbols are pretentious at this critical  moment in human history, Being ‘democrat’ ‘republican’ or identifying yourself as part of the #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, #resist, Proud Boys etc. movement doesn't mean shit. It just means you are not looking at the obvious and fundamental disease that will kill us all, as sure as SARS-CoV2 will:


From every arrogant, punk-ass selfish effete progressive intellectual to every flag waving trailer-park allstar who is looking to make America ‘Great Again’. To every self-absorbed pussy-cap wearing protester continuing their obsessive hate of the Cult of Trump and every bible-thumping evangelical judgemental jack-off spewing hate against women's reproductive rights and people of color. From those whom had made a life hiding out from reality within the hallowed walls and campuses of American and European  academia, to those who, at every two-to- four years, believe that lodging your vote for one of two candidates pre-selected by the corporate duopoly as politically viable and meaningful act, your ‘protests’ and ‘activism’ are complete bullshit, and is not worthy of respect , reverence, admiration, or glorification. 

They are nothing more than  mindless, meaningless, insufferably selfish and lazy activity passively qualifying as civic duty.

Just as apathetic, is soliciting authorization from your local city official/law enforcement entity to parade professionally, prefabricated, carefully-worded signage, with some organizer coordinating rehearsed chants of dissidence and homages through a bullhorn to a group of protesters is not a true movement, either. When your protest is given ‘permission’  by the very forces you are ‘demonstrating’ against, it is reduced to meaningless vulgar pageantry, an empty symbolic public street performance of free speech, which immediately loses its credibility upon the first footstep taken, and immediately relegated to the dustbin of history when the last footstep falls.

A true protest is ugly, leaderless and organized just enough by vast  numbers of ‘primary messengers’ as a large and moving group that is willing to collectively commit vandalism specifically against its oppressors’  primary and valued property and organizational quarters in the process. Its loud, cantankerous and aggressive without the intention of hurting or killing anyone  in the oppressors group, but nonetheless scares the fuck out of them. 

A true protest reminds the oppressor they are outnumbered, and as such, need to pay strict attention to the oppressed  and their demands.

Which is exactly what we need. Because it is inequality that is killing us all. 

World-wide, corporate-driven inequality accepted  by western governments that are threatening mass extinction of the homo sapiens through the extension of poverty, repression and war. Any activism not dedicated to this most necessary human right is not legitimate and is full of shit.

The United States population is now quickly dying from  withheld medical access and no federal government support either medically or financially , and is (as of the date of this article) leading the planet in total confirmed cases of CoVID19. 

  Even the mainstream media can stop the propaganda long enough to spit a little truth sometimes.... 
(Courtesy: CNN/WarnerMedia (AT&T)

So, the question now becomes this: at your point of death, now will you stand up as one? Or will you go down like the witless, useless, consumerist ne’erdowell pukes that Trump and the 1%  multinational corporate elite take you for? Will you, my fellow Americans pull your collective heads out of your asses and rise up, or suffocate in the violent silence of this Plague….?

Hopefully , the Trump administration might have enough body bags on hand to zip up the  piling corpses, as you, your family and friends expire, using shared ventilators in hospitals around medical staff, all of whom are wearing used, second-hand face masks, and are fatigued and infected themselves. And this being the better of possibilities for you, but only if you have healthcare insurance, unfortunately.  For if you don't, you may have to stay at home to drown helplessly in your own lung tissues..

..and that's if you haven't been evicted from your home for not  being able to keep up your rent payment after losing your job...