
Saturday, August 26, 2023

How They Will End Us

 In the dues ex machina which has expanded billionaire wealth from the CoVid pandemic , the managerial class are  writing their  'happy ending': the killing of the rest of us.


"It is impossible to separate the breakdown of civic culture, the collapse of language, and a rise in insurrectionist violence in the United States from the plague of gangster capitalism. Under a regime of privatized utopias, hyper-individualism, and ego-centered values, human beings are reduced to self-sufficient atoms of self-interest, removed from relations of mutual dependency. A neoliberal market-driven society has given rise to a culture of fear, uncertainty, and danger that numbs many people just as it wipes out the creative faculties of imagination, memory, and critical thought. Rather than live in a historical period that awakens the critical faculties, Americans now occupy a social order that freezes and numbs the capacity for informed judgment. " Henry Giroux

As the vestiges of democracy throughout the world continue to evaporate into the full illusion of fantastical fiction,  and should compliance from the masses cease and turn into full-scale social  rebellion worldwide,  the oligarchs and the WEF are preparing to kill us off completely via the  reduction of  access to food and water, the institution of trackable and controllable central digital currency which can be siphoned  from private bank accounts with  just a keystroke 

This is not conjecterous rancor nor paranoid conspiratorial hyperbole. It  has started in earnest. 

Countries like the United States, Australia & New Zealand where active resistance against repressive censorship from establishment narratives of corporate media are inert and  nearly non-extant, the once-quiet creep of the slow muzzling of public dissent against such capitalist narratives have become profoundly outbound; noisily possessing the compunction to interrupt, misdirect, propagandize in unfettered saturation,  mute, and imprison its populace without so much as a collective  shrill holler in defiance.

Coupled with the cultural  unwillingness to unify in protest in the particular, there are three partitions that will allow this continued repression of rights by the corporate oligarch to persist to our global death: The Corporate /Donor Class partition, The Law Enforcement/ Para-military partition and The Elected Political Sycophant partition. I will focus  on the Corporate partition, as they are the ring-leaders to the other two who  get their marching orders from. This is a kinship of wanton control and/or elimination of laws, governmental processes of oversight, progressive  social policies that intervene their control, subvert their advantage, and counters ideological constructs they are positioned in , or create as narrative.

The Lords of Kingdoms: The Corporate/Donor Class partition 

"All that is needed is money and a candidate who can be coached to look sincere. Political principles and plans for specific action have come to lose most of their importance. The personality of the candidate, the way he is projected by the advertising experts, are the things that really matter." -Aldous Huxley-'Enemies Of Freedom Essays'-1958

For historical  context, American companies such as FordCoca-Cola, and Kodak all supported Hitler's  fascism, as it was financially and ideologically beneficial to to so. Being the nation that was the genesis of Eugenics,  racial segregation , and suppression which influenced Hitler's Ayrian  dream, these American-bred companies had became natural allies  of the Third Reich rendering direct  confluence and aid to  Germany to  becoming  a powerhouse of industrialization during the mid- 1930's to early 40's.  Having the support of  the SA:  a conglomeration of military veterans, para-military organizations and members of  law enforcement,  allowed Hitler and the NSDAP protection against groups who vehemently opposed them before and during his reign. Cronies positioned in critical points of the Nazi governmental and military posts lent Hitler continuity, even expansion of his ideological vision and command through propaganda, violence, and corporate backing. This same coalition of  collusional corruption allowed  for the stealth cover of the  protracted use of gas chambers and prison death camps to continue operations right up to the very last day of World War II.

The Powell Memo in 1971 was the device which began the corporate takeover of US policy via lobbying and the administrative revolving-door  to posts within the Federal Government for  former industry  CEOs , hedge funders and other 'captains of industry'.  The ramping  up of financial deregulation and union-busting during the  Reagan era  (that continues under Biden),  in tandem with Clinton-era's further protection roll-backs against corporate malfeasance and economic manipulation , fostering  further erosion and curtailment of  the public welfare safety net, the destruction of Social Security and further making toxic the Public Trust , alongside increased  military defense  spending rising  substantially since 1980,  (which currently allocates over 45% of discretionary tax revenue ) .  

Multi-national corporations world-wide haven't the slightest issue with dealing in misdirection by deliberate misinformation, even if  their activity, or associations with such violent regimes causes mass death. It is not their concern, just the margin of profits  and their coalesced retention of power via the purchase of elected bodies of governments so as  to enhance the  sphere of control they covet. This forwards the providing of policies for protection of wealth and capital being most paramount,  updrafting  lost income as revenue from any economic destabilization of the worker, including foreclosures and evictions  furthering the deliberate destruction of the public space and social contracts that articulate the provisions of social welfare for the working class itself. 

This includes 95% of the population of the western world that comes under the purview of the  oligarchical 1%.,  essentially, all of 'us' being those who are not recognized members of this strata class. They are the late-Capitalist Lords to our Kingdoms of  global serfdom, and we are now more than ever in human history,  under thier complete rule.

As example, view the totality of  the Covid pandemic:  from  its origin, creation, how it escaped from a lab in China after  human experimentation, the application of scientifically unproven  methodologies to mitigate and manage that were applied freely by governments upon their citizens,  to the unsubstantiated and incomplete research  that was the resulting vaccines  by its primary purveyor, the ensuing evidence of  adverse reactions to it, the Covid death rates between  the vaccinated being nearly the same as the unvaccinated,  additionally further victims who were  confirmed as killed by the vaccine exclusively while the high frequency of vaccinated persons  who where confirmed as diagnosed with myocarditis from the mRNA , the further censorship of factual information about these harms by conglomerate legacy and social media platforms, all of whom are sponsored by advertising revenue via the aforementioned  purveyor, the corruption, past and present discovered upon the purveyor, and the purveyor's callous antipathy towards negligible outcomes within global populations. 

Add to this the fact that as of 2021  the largest donor to the World Health Organization is the United States and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (including GAVI,)  total nearly $1.87 billion dollars.  This does not include the World Bank , an American-based  institution which donated $132 million , and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also based in New York City, US,  which donated $103 million dollars of its own.  So, it is not a completely speculatory, or even qualifying as paranoid delusion, to state the WEF's members obvious and  intense interest in the outcome of the recent amended changes to the  the WHO's  global IHR of 1969, (the amendments  categorized as the 'pandemic treaty'),  which has assigned (unelected) delegates from  each member country to 'sign off' and authorize approval of these amendments without public notification nor referendum. By placing the powers of surveillance, control of movement of peoples, a requirement for every human being to enroll and scanned into  a global digital health record tracking system  , to be accessed and  used within the sole discretion of  the executive branch of every member state government. 

On just the strength of this  alone you can view the continuing pattern of regulatory entities within government, as well as the private sector colluding to ensure that, above all,  profits and power are retained at the expense of the populous and the control thereof, by all means necessary.

Combined further with the IMF's cheerleading on centralized digital currency's worldwide implementation, which would eventually  criminalize personal possession of crypto placing limits on personal cash possession, could further  constrict, confine and isolate an entire populous with several keystrokes on  a laptop  by  one of any presiding Presidents or Prime Ministers under cloak of pandemic emergency, particularly those segments within a nation-state population who vigorously protest against such hegemonistic apoplexy being thrusted upon them against their will . Free speech and redress of grievance could be bankrupted into silence such as was done to the  the Canadian truckers who protested  against mandates back  in early '22, but on a much greater technological  scale then was previously imagined.

 In recent years the movement toward institutional implementation of  direct censorship masquerading as 'hate speech laws' has gained sizable traction. The Corporate/Donor Class partition has regularly instituted language coda deemed undesirable in corporate or social discourse for several decades. As a participating sycophant of the WEF,  former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was quite the enthusiastic voice for this polity wishing to criminalize such unpleasant non-threatening  protected free speech under this canon. The same one BlackRock has utilized in its ESG sloganeering, portending, and pretending to honor racial tolerance and  civility within the workplace,   ethical environmental practices and corporate  governance. 

This comparison might appear conflated, until you understand how both methodologies undermine free speech in totality. They  accomplish two objectives: 1) render a soft bifurcated censorship  disguised as polity for mass approval being 'disguised' as  creating a 'safe harbour' against  'bad or hateful' language in public spaces and media, and  2) establishing dictates to impart artificial morals against what is designated as 'improper'  or 'mis/ disinformation'.  Ardern's lament about outlawing 'extremist' speech was prompted by the alleged  misinformation carried out during the pandemic by 'anti-vaxxer radicals' in tandem with her enacting vaccine mandates , in which her handling of  was heavily criticized via protests.  For BlackRock, their implementation of ESG was the forerunner of 'cancel culture', and  in latter years, encouraged the censorship of dissent via de-platforming, FBI infiltration , collusion   and  censorship   within social media companies, supported by members of the US Democratic Party, while the  other half of the duopoly, the US Republicans and their donors fair no better in this , allowing the censorship by job  termination  of a mainstream news personality to occur without protest when they began reporting facts about the US proxy war in Ukraine, and the suspicious activity of federal agents and confidential human sources ('CHS') present amongst the protesters during the  riots at the U.S. capital on January 6th 2021.

Propaganda is another form of censorship exercised actively by this participation through their media conglomerates.  This was made simpler to conduct when monopoly rules were severed for media companies in the United States  in 1996. Since its enactment by President Clinton, all  major U.S. news media outlets  came under the  control of six companies. This has allowed the complete centralization of media dissemination and its ability to create propaganda narratives resembling factual journalism in support of their corporate masters worldview, alongside the controlling political party establishment(s).  Mainstream media was never completely neutral, but has been far more open in its willingness to manipulate facts and events to suit a narrative that allows this partition to complete its objectives .  9/11,  The Bush Administration's  WMD fiasco to invade Iraq, The Syrian Conflict, Russiagate, and the Ukraine Conflict are more of the obvious examples. Propaganda, and the divisions it creates, allows corporate oligarchs and their purchased political custodians   to continue their wholesale  criminal enterprise of razing the earth of resources and wealth extraction via the continuous construction of military bases  globally Coups, proxy wars, military triangulation, assassinations, installation of authoritarian regimes, and outward acts of  forward aggression to incite larger conflicts are merely the cost of expanding global capital. What was once thought tabu and incontrovertibly amoral and inhumane, is now normalized. Nuclear war is now a viable option where as twenty five years ago, was considered the end of all biological life on earth, a summation of a fools errand in  the most evil and malevolent  order. 

The efficacy of the impact of propaganda, including the deliberate perversion of intended context, has been long-lasting, allowing large swaths of populations globally to disenfranchise themselves through partisan echo-chambers online and further caste into self-implemented  silos within society,  divided amongst themselves and be devoid of critical thought and deductive reasoning. This partition has been successful, well-organized, focused and unified: never wavering from its putrid  narratives, false flags and persistent   suppression of dissonance  and distillation of meaningful oversite into its own  moribund, greedy, sallow, and violent psychopathy.

How The Global Mass Killing Starts

By keeping populations in perpetual divisions along cultural and political enmity,  it thwarts any ability at reconciliation to a unified revolt against the corrupt and self-enriching establishment. The partition is terrified always, of our sheer numbers and need to retain us in these silos, so  we do not recognize class inequality is our enemy, not one another. Its simplifies the ability to murder us all in greater numbers across dense populations with no threat of mass revolution.

Once the food & water sources are controlled and commodified globally, all communications monitored , all  legacy and social media  'cleansed' of all dissidence, the role of militarized law enforcement  will be to incarcerate the dissenters, and kill the rest as warranted. Simultaneously, once conglomerated control has been established across multiple countries using multiple entities and 'store front' NGOs, the killing of all 'non compliant' beings will be  made simpler and efficient.   American police departments , for example ,  currently operate under 'qualified immunity' from prosecutorial actions taken against them for criminal malfeasance and murder, and one only need to look closely at the western history of policing as a modern construct having evolved from being created as a  security force that was not allied with the state, to a state-sanctioned  law enforcement apparat,  whose only real function  is to guard the centers of commerce from theft and malfeasance, and  to protect land owners and public property  against  trespass and  vandalization by the enemies of the state: the public. 

As law enforcement agencies globally are  an extension of the courts in every country in which  they exist, the courts themselves are allied with what used to be known as the affluent merchant class.  In the 21st century, there is the continued  relationship of  Corporate corruption  between the courts  and  the 1% via purchased politicians. The claims of  service to the public safety as their primary duty by many in this partition is absolute fiction. Britain, France , Germany, and nearly all of Europe have police forces that are  structured akin  to military organizations and function similarly as law enforcement militias in authoritarian regimes such as Iran and China.  (The only western countries that have yet to militarize their law enforcement is Australia , who normally move in lockstep with the U.S. on many similar policies , and New Zealand, whom, in 2020 had opportunity to militarize their police forces but inevitably declined.)  

As such, the Corporate/ Donor class partition can direct The Law Enforcement/ Para-military partition to adjust its scope of operations by increase of incarceration, and expand the allowance of  lethal force (murder)  to maintain control of the masses and to silence dissent permanently. Many in this partition worldwide are actively engaged in unwarranted violations of human rights and sanctioned murder as it stands it would not take great effort for these partitions to coordinate into intercontinental  death squads quietly executing such a covert oppression doctorate on an unsuspecting proletariat.

Climate change and its continued politicization and censorship by NGOs will do much to aid in crushing human dissent alongside life. Despite the best efforts of scientific community to neutrally  and accurately report on climate impacts on human existence, it is organizations who have  a vested interest in maintaining their stature within the Corporate/ Donor partition and governments who will continue  to weaponize distortions of science to its personal benefit. The exact nature of  human industrial activity places the primary offenders -  70%  of  the earths carbon footprinting, coming from the the partition itself. Another partition member, the fossil fuel industry, enjoys record-breaking subsidies on oil and coal extraction globally, all the while,  a fellow partition member, corporate agriculture and food processing, is successfully pushing back against all attempts at meaningful regulation of their excessive methane output. It is obvious why this area is of  grave concern for them, as they are the group responsible for a larger part of human pollution and environmental damage, and since 1970 , the partition has engaged in a full-throated campaign of misdirection by enlisting  and manipulating the publics participation in environmental stewardship by making the public the primary scapegoat of this damage. What started with  an Italian actor from Brooklyn dressed in surreptitious stereotypical Native American  regalia in a public service ad, has now became a full-throated mammoth theatrical production the partition sponsors and produces every year in different cities. A narrative- controlling road show, replete with lofty unattainable and  unrealistic goals, illusory themes  of environmental  advancements and new , imaginative adjectives to describe its ongoing progress and programs. 

Circus and bread for the pseudo-progressive class, and the largest act of placation on the world stage, and for proletariat consumption.

At the killing stage, the  billionaire members of the partition do not want to have to share quarters on any level with a impoverished  population now dying of  from the effects  of accelerated climate change brought on primarily of and by their own activity. The global south, after decades of military adventurism be visited upon them primarily by the US Military Industrial Complex, will most likely to be extinguished  first under the  WEF members Malthusian  construct of lowering the population to contravene any ethical return of wealth and resources the Corporate/ Donor class partition has stolen. This will require further assassinations and coups ( similar to  what  French Prime Minister Macron is embarking on in Niger at the time of this writing), and greater authoritarian  control of materials and natural resources ( such as lithium, titanium and cobalt) coveted by this partition.

While censorship, restriction of free movement through quasi-surveillance techniques and technologies, and complete control of the earths homo sapiens  are preferred by this partition, they can and will choose the  committing of mass genocide of millions if deemed necessary to preserve their Kingdoms of Capital and Resources. As of right now,  they tirelessly work towards the goal of an  ultra- global hegemony. The existence of nations will be reduced to nothing more than meaningless nomenclature on a map, having as much substantive weight as political 'parties'. The partition isn't interested in preservation of national sovereignty (which was originally invented by the expansion of capitalist trade, post-original monarchial rule), or rule of law. The partition has no interest in humanity, and barely recognizes it as a  viable living organism worthy of saving , although they are biological human themselves.  we the proletariat are  a nuisance to be dealt with, fodder for their wars, and expendable like used shoes.

And we are helping them to end us, for the completion of their 'happy ending':  the retention of all the wealth and power, and the dispatching of all of us who are simply taking up their valuable space.

We are in the stupor of awe, captivated by our captors,  worshipping their wealth and unbridled omnipotence ,  little are we aware that we idolize the very partition who will have us all murdered , in those silos of our own making, and we will be the ones whom assist with the pulling of the trigger while they steady the gun to our head. 

We comply to the divisions they manufacture and we consume. We know something is very  wrong  but do nothing to organize as a species against it. We continue to excel in the  mental masturbation of distraction, whilst in the global south millions of human beings are being destroyed and displaced for the North's continued extraction, not understanding that, now, the western consumer themselves is next in line for the guillotine....

In cold silence of our demise, there will seemingly be nary a whisper that will carry in the droll vacuums of capitalism's death machine: in the fields of blood , ash, and rubble we will be nothing more than  a currency, spent.