
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today:The First Day of My New Reality

A Hell-Bound Journey through Marginalization by The Dark Forces of Psychopathy, and the Evil Of Incompetent Self-Interest..with No Conclusion

KC Shoen

As I have just completed the set-up of this particular blog, it finally happened: Pinned to my door by the Sheriff's Department was the 'Notice'. After scrambling and fighting to get some stability after a horrible loss in court against the lascivious landlord who trampled all over me and my family in November, violating our rights and serving a retaliatory eviction when we tried to stop him from invading our privacy, the notice to vacate has come today (January 3) 

This is the current end-game of the marginalization I have personally been subject to which began curiously on January 28th of last year. Within this past year, I have watched rather helplessly everything I have worked hard to maintain and foster simply taken.

Evil Incompetence

It started when I was wrongfully arrested on my way home from work one morning. While getting a routine ticket for making an illegal left turn just down the street from my house, the officer discovered I had a Failure to Appear, an FTA for a court date which I had already appeared, and had addressed my traffic issues with. It was discovered that a clerical error which involved the court clerk’s office not properly logging my appearance at the time, was the genesis. Although I had proof, the court still took $3317 from my pocket, and charged me twice for the same infraction: the very one I had taken care of and cleared.

Never having been in jail, it was startling how things within our corrupted system can turn on so many simply by the incompetence of a few, or one: it can disrupt your life without warning, and traumatize yourself and your family in ways and means unforeseen. It gives a sobering picture to those who are wrongfully convicted, incarcerated and even on death row.

It is also sanctioned evil, and as like incest; constantly inbreeding and multiplying within itself.

Sanctioned Self-Interest
Later in May, I was released suddenly from my job as an Assistant Hotel Security Manager by the Hotel owner, a 'trust-fund baby' whom had inherited the executive control of her late fathers multi-million dollar fortune. Her reason? I had ‘creepy vibes’. Two years of exemplary service to this establishment as contract security, both full and part time ended on a whim.

A simple whim. There was no ‘run-in’, or hostile situation, no misinterpretation of a controversial event that I was involved in that prompted this sudden turnaround. There wasn’t any sign of trouble or politics. She just simply wanted me gone in that moment...

on a simple whim.

And so I was. Being a contractor (non-employee status) I had no recourse. But rather than be embittered, I pressed on, maintaining positive contacts with the people I worked directly with and for. I looked ahead.

I still maintained my other Hotel Security position, as I had two jobs up until this point. This one at a Hotel in Hollywood which had famous musicians, producers and investors as its primary clientele. This was important because I was attempting (as I still am now) to get my music and label off the ground. I was getting contacts, yet performing my job at high capacity and not allowing distraction. I kept my 'eyes on the prize'. This, I felt, was my opportunity to potentially make something happen…

Until I was marginalized again. On a whim.

It was exactly 3:59 am in the early hours on June 24th,  when, in of course of my routine patrols I encountered three young people making unauthorized passage to the pool area of the Hotel. I politely stopped them, and asked if they were guests. 

All hell broke loose. 

One young man berated him for dare asking of his status with the Hotel (as was my job to do so), even calling me racist. The second individual that was with him made physical contact with me, so as to impeded my following them as they were yelling and screaming all through the exterior walkway within the Hotel, surrounded by large, fully-occupied Villas. I contacted the Manger On Duty and my partner for back up immediately, but they were too busy valeting vehicles and delivering room service to assist, as that was far more important than to put themselves at risk in giving me assistance in this hostile situation. 

I spent 9 minutes, an eternity it seemed, with this vociferous display of pugilistic vulgarity, all the while remaining calm and collected. When ‘help’ finally arrived, it was all but done. The matter had calmed enough, although the original gentleman of whom I asked his identity of the group remained vulgar, calling me a ‘disrespectful bitch’. 

I learned, only afterwards, his name was Trey Songz, and his anger  came from my not recognizing his minor stature as an R&B singer who utilizes auto tune competently.

In the coming days, after a thorough investigation by the General Manager, it was found I handled the situation was stunning resolve and patience. I was even lauded; the only thing he wanted done differently was next time to run and get a senior manager on duty to handle something of that stripe, as to make it easier on security staff when dealing with such unusual behavior from a ‘V.I.P’.  I agreed to that willfully, and was actually appreciative of his support.

The other senior managers, however, were not happy. the next three months would pass, and each one would take every opportunity to let me know it in some way. Utilizing their positions  in the Hotel as leverage, they would tell me I was too aggressive, I am not very good in dealing with stressful situations and I was in possession of some imaginary anger issue.

After taking three months of this, I was frustrated, and attempted to express it constructively. After doing so, I was then accused of making imaginary threats to the Manager On Duty, whom, during my tenure, I actually revered quite sincerely. I was suspended for about a week, and after successfully disproving all the petty claims against me through witnesses and even camera reviews of different areas of the Hotel, they rewarded me:

With termination.

Correction: with myself and the company ‘parting ways’ as was termed by the Director of Human Resources. As he had no grounds for such disciplinary termination, he had only that as a reason. I accepted the quasi-layoff with dignity and composure knowing full well that this was by the very managers who then colluded with the General Manager to make this happen. My only main supporter in the room was the Director of Security, who summed up the situation brilliantly on that warm afternoon on September 6th 

“I’m sorry KC, but I am only one vote.”

I went from 2 jobs to 0 inside of three and a half short, mean months.

Psychopathy Loves Company

I continued to move on, attempting to find full-time work and merely survive until the next opportunity. I turned my focus toward my children and their homeschooling alongside my wife. Spirits were still good. I had inadvertently discovered an investor website that actively accepts, promotes and allows solicitation to investor groups for capital in various businesses. It was quite a find. 

I began to work feverishly in late September, submitting my business plan, executive summary and pitch . At the very moment I had the necessary components needed for submission, my wife and I were experiencing problems with the landlord: a routine maintenance issue in our apartment had devolved to the landlord getting forceful with us and violating our privacy, bullying us, proffering misdirection as to what he intended to fix, and maliciously threatening us. When we lodged a formal complaint, he lodged an eviction. 

With the help of a skilled lawyer whom is a friend of the family, we received expert advice, got our evidence in order and  prepared to launch a cross-complaint against the landlord who had willfully tried to trample all over us and our privacy, and use the eviction process as a means of retaliation and harm. We had dotted all of our ‘I’s, crossed all of our ‘t’s with every intention in defending our rights. Our attorney, who couldn’t be there at trial itself, as he lives in another part of the state, coached us well. All paperwork in relation to our cross-complaint had been accepted by the clerk’s office with no issue.

And, this time, my wife and I were marginalized by the Judge herself.

Seems the Judge and the Attorney for the landlord colluded together on that morning of December 16th. She claimed that you can not lodge such a complaint in an eviction proceeding. The Judge also would not hear of the retaliation we suffered, in effect neutering our case. 

For a solid hour and a half we battled in vein in that empty court room. Though we manage to turn the landlord into a pretzel on the stand during our cross-examination, and tie up the his attorney through argument, it had been pre-determined by both the Judge and the colluding attorney, who know each other by first name, that we were going to be evicted anyway..and fined without having our case heard as it should been heard. They were going through the motions to its inevitable outcome: pre-ordained before we had a chance to open our mouths.

My attorney’s jaw hit the floor when he heard the news. He is gearing up right as we speak, ready to rip their asses anew. I and my family, however, needed to gear down,seek shelter, and keep looking for work to survive…

I have been wrongfully incarcerated, wrongly terminated twice, and now, alongside my wife and children, wrongfully evicted. 

All in eleven months.

Marginalization: Complete

In this case and context, moral victories don’t mean shit. Period. It’s an illusion, especially when you lose everything you’re not supposed to. Moral victories are those who have not experienced true corruption and evil that deprives them of their right to just ‘be’.

It would be easier if I knew I was, in all or part, the cause of this: it would mean I have the opportunity to control and correct it by looking at it with an objective eye, without ego or arrogance. In none of these situations did I or my wife cause these events to take place. It was caused for us.

It is interesting how the resistance against corporate malfeasance and government corruption is taking shape. The failed realization in these movements is the lack of forward acknowledgement that this corruption is in every sector: from the mightiest and greediest CEO to the lowliest manager, clerk, Judge and boon dock Sheriff. No company, corporation nor civil institution is without this extraneous psychopathy, corruption and nefarious incompetence. It is the majority.

It reminds me of “Always Out-numbered, Always Out-gunned” with Laurence Fishburne without the happy ending. I am Socrates Fortlowe minus the criminal past, but with all the resistance. I am being punished perpetually, and I haven’t been given the opportunity of a 'first fuck up'.

I am being punished, in great part, for just ‘being’.

My story is not unique: there are many others, but it doesn’t take from the cold solitude in being currently in this state. There is no ‘company’ loving ‘misery’ that is expressively exclusive to you. You are alone.

To portray the ‘victim’ belies the seriousness of the situation and its context: it is deeper than that. It is an acknowledgement that I have been marginalized, pure and simple. According to my environment and the incredible events that have taken place, it has been ‘communicated’ that, to my environment, I and my family are nothing, and can be disposed of accordingly with no recourse. We are non-entities, and can be discarded.

Terrifying. It is not self-pity that I state this: it is the exact nature of where conditions currently stand.

There is no justice, no recourse, and no compassion: in my case, it has been a façade

I have applied for 130+ jobs in multiple cities. Aside from a few rejections and several extensive interviews: nothing. I have 'shopped' my business prospectus  to a total of 12 investor groups since September..


On December 30, I launched an e-mail blast to all 26 of the bands and Artist I had sought out and featured on my radio show in 2009, enlisting their help to simply get the word out about the label, to help generate traction for it, and possibly encourage investors to see the tangible viability of the label. I even asked for their response in how they felt about it. If investment was procured, I could then offer contracts and aid in their success as they would aid in mine..

To date, not ONE has responded.

From Here..

I will be homeless soon (January 8th, 2012); possibly living out of an RV ( a Caravan, for you European and folks Down Under who might be reading this). I have no income, no source of revenue, no investment, and no home.

But that's not the worst of it...

Nobody really gives a shit: about me , my family, my situation. Not a goddamn one that I have known or have had contact with. No employer, no band or Artist I have dealt with, no Judge, Sheriff, Teacher, Welfare Case Worker, or self-described 'motivator' or 'guru', or self-identified 'friend'.

No Fucking Body...

But I am not the only one. In my situation, and in the era of Corporate Malfeasance, governmental corruption and overall narcissistic psychopathy and greed that is pervasive in this culture, the same of which, has helped to level our economy and damage our interests overseas can trust me on this: no one gives a fuck about you either.

Be glad that many of you are not on this end. Those that are know that what I am stating is the exact nature of this beast. That completely frozen feeling at the sudden realization of your stasis and station at that precise moment..

You. Are. Alone.