Dear Secretary Clinton,
I am writing this to you with the full acknowledgement
that I don’t vote, and will not vote. Regardless of this ‘conundrum’,
paradoxical as it may be, I thought I would take the time and express not only
that I do understand the precipice
on which the 2016 general election stands in the annals of both American and
(quite possibly) human history, but to express my disdain of your corruptive
incompetence, and why, if you are nominated by your ‘party’ ,you are going to
lose the General Election.
Just recently you dismissed Senator Sanders campaign as a
washout, even as California is set to participate in the primaries on June 7th.
You have deemed
yourself already as the victor in this contest, stopping just shy of slagging off Sanders’
supporters in that same CNN interview. This presumption however is rather
unctuous on your part, as there are still 781
unpledged delegates left (not including those ridiculous 149 ‘super
delegates’, which would bring the total to 930). Your lead in pledge delegates only stands at a paltry 274, with a current vote lead of exactly 3,031,245
to date (May 20, 2016 per RealClear
Politics). There are still nine more contests left until June 14th.
This is not an impressive lead, Madam Secretary. In fact,
it is rather an embarrassment to you. As a career politician and as the
‘Clinton-brand’ standard bearer of the moment, these are not ‘stellar’ numbers
that lead to a dominating victory. It is a tepid lead at best, and is
reflective of your wholly lack of popularity among voters within the
‘democratic party’ and does not reflect your ability as a ‘party’ unifier,
given your inauthentic, tired and reflexive rhetoric. Couple this with your history of not answering
questions of ethics with any level of genuine transparency and your
consistently dismissive candor when cornered with difficult questions relating
to it.
You are not even ‘trying’. In your political life, you
never really had to.
You are oblivious to the fact that this election cycle
has been baring different ‘fruit’: it is an ‘anti-establishment’ cycle, the likes
of which this country has not witnessed since 1968. And this ‘fruit’ has
defined you and your other ‘Republican’ contemporaries such as Ted Cruz, Jeb
Bush and Marco Rubio as directly representative
of the ‘establishment’ that is pissing off voters in general. The Goldman Sachs
speech kerfuffle which you haven’t
bothered to answer for instance, only offering a superfluous
anecdotal response of “I will show the transcripts of those speeches when
the other candidates do so” as an artifice of placation is a significant
example as to why the anti-establishment movement has remained strong against
you and others. (As an aside, it is interesting to note that of the three
candidates heading in to the respective conventions this summer, you are the only one to have rendered these speeches
to a financial mastodon for such speaking fees.)
I know those transcripts are not forthcoming. As equally
as not ‘forthcoming’ as yourself, ironically enough. Voters have taken notice,
even as the mainstream media, which has been mostly friendly to you, has not bothered
to pursue it any further.
This coincides to your willful disconnect from the public
reality, Madam Secretary. The obvious priority you place is upon your personal
wealth and self-entitlement, as it is evident in the unimaginative and brazened
campaign schlock and sleaze you espouse, which is stuck in the fumes of 1998.
The economy is still stagnant, the defense budget has ballooned to an
astounding 55% of discretionary federal spending, social
assistance programs received another
huge round of federal cuts in 2015. Cuts that are the direct legacy of your
husband’s policies, a record that he himself attempted misrepresentation just
recently , and was rightfully checked-down for.
As neither you nor your husband have never ‘struggled’
financially your whole adult lives, you personally lack the precept of sincere empathy
to truly shape your vision as to how it affects the vast majority of Americans.
You could actually care less if need to; you just need to ensure that our asses
get on down to the polling station and check your name off on the ballot. Such
is the level of sociopathy associated with those who run for, or hold higher
public office, for which you are no different.
You have never been one for the ‘work’ of office either, as you are more enamored by the title of
it for the purpose of political ascension and never for the interest of public
service. This is evidenced your time as Senator of New York
Besides your Iraqi Invasion vote of 2002, your tenure as
Senator was not only uneventful, it was inactive:
you conducted zero meaningful acts of public policy for the citizens of New
York during your entire time in office, completely persona non grata when it came to lobbying for state regulatory
control over the very barons of finance who wrecked out economy in 2007 and 8.
This includes your devoted fan club at Goldman Sachs and the president of those
We-Love-Hillary fanboys, Lloyd
The very ones who ‘paid’ for your ‘time’.
As Secretary of State your neither faired nor ended much
better, as you are still under
investigation by the FBI for the personal e-mail server you used. Your
constituency could quite possibly see, all
at once, you accepting your ‘party’s’ nomination, and being arrested in the same breadth.
While acting as Secretary of State, it became more
substantiated that you like war: lots of
it. In your personal history dating back to the 90’s, you had even convinced
your Husband to authorize bombing raids over Serbia during the Bosnian conflict
to combat the ‘genocide’ taking place. This would establish your own pattern of
favoring combat protocol, which would then go on to include Iraq,
Honduras, Libya, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Syria, sold under the umbrella of fighting terrorism.
Mr. Clinton’s administration would also be the forbear
and promulgator of the “Right To Protect” mantra that would be adopted by every
president since 2001, justifying combat operations designed to forward American
interest overseas under the accompanying selling point of “ establishing
democracy” which befits the “American Exceptionalism” latitude so eloquently
established by the Reagan Administration; America as the “Emerald City on The Hill”; a beacon of
democracy and divine perfection which cedes to no scrutiny nor moral inventory.
A stance you have sold never-endingly even through that anathema of a campaign
of yours. Yes, you do like your war, Madam Secretary.
You also liked arms deals with despotic regimes whose
human rights records were not what would be categorized as “exemplary” during
your time as Secretary of State. You, and
your staff, were particularly giddy about a purchase from the
Saudi Kingdom at one point. A purchase which has lead to the near-complete
destruction of Yemen, by those
same F-15 jet fighters you help the Kingdom obtain.
Collateral damage and the death
of innocent families and children be damned!
In as far as morals are concerned, Madam Secretary: you
haven’t any. The perception of moral humanitarianism, of which the Clinton
Foundation was ‘packaged’ to the American public as, is nothing more than a
money-swallowing storefront for your avarice ambitions, both foreign and
domestic. You are absolutely ‘for sale’
to the highest bidder.
“Ambition” is the apt adjective to describe your intent
and purpose, and contrary to your legion of pseudo-feminists who decried
Senator Sanders utilization of the word in reference to you, it is not an
engendered description used to denigrate your being female. The term of “whore”
applies ungendered as well, as you are a “whore” for money and clout. So has
every presidential candidate since Nixon been a whore for the same type of
policy peddling from lobbyists to further their own ambitions.
Gender need not apply.
You are a sociopath, in league with your rival Donald J.
Trump. Like the Donald, you have an inability to establish internal parameters
and metrics in delineating “right” from “wrong” in relation to your coveting of
prestige, power and ego. Unlike Trump, who has had a complete lifetime exhibiting this brand of
behavioral dysfunction, you were not always of this ilk. There was a time you
actually were concerned about social injustice and inequality, but that has evaporated
for the sake of your legacy.
I have speculated at length in
a recent article I wrote of you when and how this occurred. I won’t bore
you with the details, Madam Secretary, but suffice to say I don’t rate you as
having anything remotely human about you at present. You are as corrupt,
megalomaniacal, divisive and derisive as Trump himself. Being a ‘whore’ of a different stripe, he is
just able to let his “freak flag fly”
as he is not bound by lobbyists and groups representing the interest of the 1%,
like you are. As you are not that liberal to induce such venom of that toxicity
on an ignorant and distracted public as discourse, you are relegated to commit
other forms of self-serving pompous verbal piety: Lying. And to lie often.
The Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia is the
convention that may see the caustic blowback that was projected originally for
the Republican Convention. There is a real probability of a contested scenario
as recent events in Nevada shed light on the vitriol now consuming registered
‘Democrats’ supporting Sanders and the contempt of the establishment is
confirmed on both ‘sides’ now.
personal minion, the
pay-day loan shark advocate and $50,000 beneficiary, Debbi Wasserman
Schultz has
added fuel to this imminent fire by turning the Convention into a who’s-who
of corporate lobbyists with conflicting interests against the ‘party’ itself to
participate, alongside her
recent disparagement of the Nevada protests have only made louder the
calls for her to step down as the DNC chair.
And, Madam Secretary, it is no longer disenfranchised,
self-aggrandizing, undereducated, racist white folks who believe usurpation of
their entitlement is ceding to those of color who are calling out the
establishment through their support of Trump. It is the other undecided
independents from all spectrums who are now joining in, believing the system
has tilted in favor of the elite of this country, and that this collusion
between governmental policy and the affluent through their lobbyists has
created a chasm of disparity that no longer imparts the will of the electorate.
Because that is exactly what has occurred.
Philly could be that “ground zero”, with you as the
catalyst of that conflict, Madam Secretary. During previous cycles, when denial
was high and people were just “comfortable’ enough, perhaps you could run the
table with a campaign riddled with ambiguous allusion and allegory to match
your fervent inauthenticity. Perhaps no one would have barely noticed, and the
majority would vote for you out of the convenience of brand recognition only.
But this is an election different from what you were
expecting. Perhaps you don’t wish to work a little harder than you have to. Maybe
you think the electorate needs to “get over it” and just let you pass. Your
Hillary Rodham Clinton, goddammit. You
have earned it, you “get things done.”
Perhaps you also believe yourself to be ready to deal
with Trump. You are the more intelligent of the two, but it is here where your
dreams of the High Office will be stunted and destroyed. Trump has capacity to
corner you in ways you will not be able to counter. You attended his wedding in
’05. You have taken money from him as contribution when you ran as Senator of
New York. He will address this in the contextualization of the mood of the
electorate, labeling you as corrupt, unfit, incompetent and an insider.
You will not have the finesse to withstand nor turn the
tide on this. Why? Because he will be correct on all counts. You forget
that unlike yourself, he is not beholden to any special interest. He is
beholden only to himself. This will tie-in directly with your stark inability
to convey yourself with sincerity: Trump can relay sincerity in oratory and not
have to say much of anything
substantively. His gesticulations and gestures have a very “common man” appeal.
And although unrefined, it is unrehearsed.
This gives him a level of authenticity you will not be able to replicate
yourself. Trump is a salesman, a dealmaker. He has had years of practice
spinning and pimping product, whether it be his real-estate properties or
Trump is a dilatant: a clumsy, oafish political neophyte.
A self-obsessed woman-hating racist brute, who cannot hold court in policy
debate longer than holding his breath underwater. His acumen and command of
language is no better than that of a 5th grader. He is not languid,
nor could ever be accused of being an intellectual: Mensa will not be a- comin’
‘round to his New York Penthouse beggin’ for him for him to join their circle
of ‘smart folks’ anytime soon.
Donald J. Trump is a complete asshole. But, unlike
yourself Madam Secretary, he is an asshole that is ‘outbound’ and on public
display. Everyone can ‘see’ it. You have tried to hide behind veneers and
smokescreens and attempted to repackage yourself as something you are clearly
not: a progressive.
Where Trump is wholly a bastard to the inth degree, you
are wholly dishonest by the same measure.
Trump will win narrowly. It will not be a landslide. He
will win because he will use the ‘everyman’ narrative: an infused communicatory
blend of nativist and nationalist rhetoric, to great effect. He will exact
emotion from the electorate that you cannot. He will excise their anger and
will appear the most genuine for it, although not the most capable. Donald J Trump will excoriate their hatred of
the establishment; of which you represent in its entirety.
Essentially, he will use you against you.
In closing, Madam Secretary, I would like to point out
that your mere presence in this campaign and the divisiveness which it causes
among your own party will allow Donald J Trump to ascend to the Presidency,
simple as that. That ‘super delegates’
tripe, created in ’84 to stave off what happened to Carter during the 1980 DNC,
as to prevent such inter-party division will fail miserably, by allowing you to
possibly make it into the general election in the first place.
While Trump will bring a new era of fascism not seen in
this nation’s history, and may carry out the largest mobilization of
undocumented persons ever witnessed, being given access and authority to
destroy all dissenters, mass media-driven or individual, and will resurrect the
new era of consolidated power not seen since the 1932 consolidation of the
Chancellorship in Germany, where by the country’s constitution was suspended
under Marshall Law, you are still not
the “lesser of the two evils”. I would
venture to demonstrate how nearly despotic your term would be, but I believe strongly
you will not get that far.
Donald J Trump has no honor nor values, and he does not
hide from that. You pontificate your alleged values yet you possess none. While he has ran a dominate campaign for his
own glory, under the banner of making America “great” again, your only counter
is “America is already great.”
I understand not all of us can harbor great charisma, nor
have great ideas at times. Trump has no good ideas of any stripe, but he has
tapped into an energy you cannot possibly gain yourself. If you really care
about what the future lies with the US and its populace, you would get out of
the race. And out of the way. The only candidate right now who has no criminal
or court charges facing them, and could actually lead long enough to do no real
harm is Bernie Sanders. He is not perfect, and I am still not sold on his credibility
going forward. However, he is the only
candidate in the field that will not deliver the ‘death blow’ to ourselves or
the world.
He is the only one that can defeat Trump.
And I am not a supporter. I just understand where we
stand at the precipice of human history. Even if you and Donald don’t.