
Saturday, May 21, 2016

An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton

KC Shoen

Dear Secretary Clinton,

I am writing this to you with the full acknowledgement that I don’t vote, and will not vote. Regardless of this ‘conundrum’, paradoxical as it may be, I thought I would take the time and express not only that I do understand the precipice on which the 2016 general election stands in the annals of both American and (quite possibly) human history, but to express my disdain of your corruptive incompetence, and why, if you are nominated by your ‘party’ ,you are going to lose the General Election.

Just recently you dismissed Senator Sanders campaign as a washout, even as California is set to participate in the primaries on June 7th. You have deemed yourself already as the victor in this contest, stopping just shy of slagging off Sanders’ supporters in that same CNN interview. This presumption however is rather unctuous on your part, as there are still 781 unpledged delegates left (not including those ridiculous 149 ‘super delegates’, which would bring the total to 930). Your lead in pledge delegates only stands at a paltry 274, with a current vote lead of exactly 3,031,245 to date (May 20, 2016 per RealClear Politics). There are still nine more contests left until June 14th.

This is not an impressive lead, Madam Secretary. In fact, it is rather an embarrassment to you. As a career politician and as the ‘Clinton-brand’ standard bearer of the moment, these are not ‘stellar’ numbers that lead to a dominating victory. It is a tepid lead at best, and is reflective of your wholly lack of popularity among voters within the ‘democratic party’ and does not reflect your ability as a ‘party’ unifier, given your inauthentic, tired and reflexive rhetoric.  Couple this with your history of not answering questions of ethics with any level of genuine transparency and your consistently dismissive candor when cornered with difficult questions relating to it.

You are not even ‘trying’. In your political life, you never really had to.

You are oblivious to the fact that this election cycle has been baring different ‘fruit’: it is an ‘anti-establishment’ cycle, the likes of which this country has not witnessed since 1968. And this ‘fruit’ has defined you and your other ‘Republican’ contemporaries such as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio as directly representative of the ‘establishment’ that is pissing off voters in general. The Goldman Sachs speech kerfuffle which you  haven’t bothered to answer for instance, only offering a superfluous anecdotal response of “I will show the transcripts of those speeches when the other candidates do so” as an artifice of placation is a significant example as to why the anti-establishment movement has remained strong against you and others. (As an aside, it is interesting to note that of the three candidates heading in to the respective conventions this summer, you are the only one to have rendered these speeches to a financial mastodon for such speaking fees.)

I know those transcripts are not forthcoming. As equally as not ‘forthcoming’ as yourself, ironically enough. Voters have taken notice, even as the mainstream media, which has been mostly friendly to you, has not bothered to pursue it any further.

This coincides to your willful disconnect from the public reality, Madam Secretary. The obvious priority you place is upon your personal wealth and self-entitlement, as it is evident in the unimaginative and brazened campaign schlock and sleaze you espouse, which is stuck in the fumes of 1998. The economy is still stagnant, the defense budget has ballooned to an astounding 55% of discretionary federal spending, social assistance programs received  another huge round of federal cuts in 2015. Cuts that are the direct legacy of your husband’s policies, a record that he himself attempted misrepresentation just recently , and was rightfully checked-down for.
As neither you nor your husband have never ‘struggled’ financially your whole adult lives, you personally lack the precept of sincere empathy to truly shape your vision as to how it affects the vast majority of Americans. You could actually care less if need to; you just need to ensure that our asses get on down to the polling station and check your name off on the ballot. Such is the level of sociopathy associated with those who run for, or hold higher public office, for which you are no different.

You have never been one for the ‘work’ of office either, as you are more enamored by the title of it for the purpose of political ascension and never for the interest of public service. This is evidenced your time as Senator of New York

Besides your Iraqi Invasion vote of 2002, your tenure as Senator was not only uneventful, it was inactive: you conducted zero meaningful acts of public policy for the citizens of New York during your entire time in office, completely persona non grata when it came to lobbying for state regulatory control over the very barons of finance who wrecked out economy in 2007 and 8. This includes your devoted fan club at Goldman Sachs and the president of those We-Love-Hillary fanboys, Lloyd Blankfein.

The very ones who ‘paid’ for your ‘time’.

As Secretary of State your neither faired nor ended much better, as you are still under investigation by the FBI for the personal e-mail server you used. Your constituency could quite possibly see, all at once, you accepting your ‘party’s’ nomination, and being arrested in the same breadth.

While acting as Secretary of State, it became more substantiated that you like war: lots of it. In your personal history dating back to the 90’s, you had even convinced your Husband to authorize bombing raids over Serbia during the Bosnian conflict to combat the ‘genocide’ taking place. This would establish your own pattern of favoring combat protocol, which would then go on to include Iraq, Honduras, Libya, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Syria,  sold under the umbrella of fighting terrorism.

Mr. Clinton’s administration would also be the forbear and promulgator of the “Right To Protect” mantra that would be adopted by every president since 2001, justifying combat operations designed to forward American interest overseas under the accompanying selling point of “ establishing democracy” which befits the “American Exceptionalism” latitude so eloquently established by the Reagan Administration; America as  the “Emerald City on The Hill”; a beacon of democracy and divine perfection which cedes to no scrutiny nor moral inventory. A stance you have sold never-endingly even through that anathema of a campaign of yours. Yes, you do like your war, Madam Secretary.

You also liked arms deals with despotic regimes whose human rights records were not what would be categorized as “exemplary” during your time as Secretary of State. You, and your staff, were particularly giddy about a purchase from the Saudi Kingdom at one point. A purchase which has lead to the near-complete destruction of Yemen, by those same F-15 jet fighters you help the Kingdom obtain.

Collateral damage and the death of innocent families and children be damned!

In as far as morals are concerned, Madam Secretary: you haven’t any. The perception of moral humanitarianism, of which the Clinton Foundation was ‘packaged’ to the American public as, is nothing more than a money-swallowing storefront for your avarice ambitions, both foreign and domestic.  You are absolutely ‘for sale’ to the highest bidder.

“Ambition” is the apt adjective to describe your intent and purpose, and contrary to your legion of pseudo-feminists who decried Senator Sanders utilization of the word in reference to you, it is not an engendered description used to denigrate your being female. The term of “whore” applies ungendered as well, as you are a “whore” for money and clout. So has every presidential candidate since Nixon been a whore for the same type of policy peddling from lobbyists to further their own ambitions.

Gender need not apply.

You are a sociopath, in league with your rival Donald J. Trump. Like the Donald, you have an inability to establish internal parameters and metrics in delineating “right” from “wrong” in relation to your coveting of prestige, power and ego. Unlike Trump, who has had a complete lifetime exhibiting this brand of behavioral dysfunction, you were not always of this ilk. There was a time you actually were concerned about social injustice and inequality, but that has evaporated for the sake of your legacy.

I have speculated at length in a recent article I wrote of you when and how this occurred. I won’t bore you with the details, Madam Secretary, but suffice to say I don’t rate you as having anything remotely human about you at present. You are as corrupt, megalomaniacal, divisive and derisive as Trump himself.  Being a ‘whore’ of a different stripe, he is just able to let his “freak flag fly” as he is not bound by lobbyists and groups representing the interest of the 1%, like you are. As you are not that liberal to induce such venom of that toxicity on an ignorant and distracted public as discourse, you are relegated to commit other forms of self-serving pompous verbal piety: Lying. And to lie often.

The Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia is the convention that may see the caustic blowback that was projected originally for the Republican Convention. There is a real probability of a contested scenario as recent events in Nevada shed light on the vitriol now consuming registered ‘Democrats’ supporting Sanders and the contempt of the establishment is confirmed on both ‘sides’ now.

 Your personal minion, the pay-day loan shark advocate and $50,000 beneficiary, Debbi Wasserman Schultz has added fuel to this imminent fire by turning the Convention into a who’s-who of corporate lobbyists with conflicting interests against the ‘party’ itself to participate, alongside her recent disparagement of the Nevada protests have only made louder the calls for her to step down as the DNC chair.

And, Madam Secretary, it is no longer disenfranchised, self-aggrandizing, undereducated, racist white folks who believe usurpation of their entitlement is ceding to those of color who are calling out the establishment through their support of Trump. It is the other undecided independents from all spectrums who are now joining in, believing the system has tilted in favor of the elite of this country, and that this collusion between governmental policy and the affluent through their lobbyists has created a chasm of disparity that no longer imparts the will of the electorate.

Because that is exactly what has occurred.

Philly could be that “ground zero”, with you as the catalyst of that conflict, Madam Secretary. During previous cycles, when denial was high and people were just “comfortable’ enough, perhaps you could run the table with a campaign riddled with ambiguous allusion and allegory to match your fervent inauthenticity. Perhaps no one would have barely noticed, and the majority would vote for you out of the convenience of brand recognition only.

But this is an election different from what you were expecting. Perhaps you don’t wish to work a little harder than you have to. Maybe you think the electorate needs to “get over it” and just let you pass. Your Hillary Rodham Clinton, goddammit.  You have earned it, you “get things done.”

Perhaps you also believe yourself to be ready to deal with Trump. You are the more intelligent of the two, but it is here where your dreams of the High Office will be stunted and destroyed. Trump has capacity to corner you in ways you will not be able to counter. You attended his wedding in ’05. You have taken money from him as contribution when you ran as Senator of New York. He will address this in the contextualization of the mood of the electorate, labeling you as corrupt, unfit, incompetent and an insider.

You will not have the finesse to withstand nor turn the tide on this. Why? Because he will be correct on all counts. You forget that unlike yourself, he is not beholden to any special interest. He is beholden only to himself. This will tie-in directly with your stark inability to convey yourself with sincerity: Trump can relay sincerity in oratory and not have to say much of anything substantively. His gesticulations and gestures have a very “common man” appeal. And although unrefined, it is unrehearsed. This gives him a level of authenticity you will not be able to replicate yourself. Trump is a salesman, a dealmaker. He has had years of practice spinning and pimping product, whether it be his real-estate properties or himself.

Trump is a dilatant: a clumsy, oafish political neophyte. A self-obsessed woman-hating racist brute, who cannot hold court in policy debate longer than holding his breath underwater. His acumen and command of language is no better than that of a 5th grader. He is not languid, nor could ever be accused of being an intellectual: Mensa will not be a- comin’ ‘round to his New York Penthouse beggin’ for him for him to join their circle of ‘smart folks’ anytime soon.

Donald J. Trump is a complete asshole. But, unlike yourself Madam Secretary, he is an asshole that is ‘outbound’ and on public display. Everyone can ‘see’ it. You have tried to hide behind veneers and smokescreens and attempted to repackage yourself as something you are clearly not: a progressive.

Where Trump is wholly a bastard to the inth degree, you are wholly dishonest by the same measure.

Trump will win narrowly. It will not be a landslide. He will win because he will use the ‘everyman’ narrative: an infused communicatory blend of nativist and nationalist rhetoric, to great effect. He will exact emotion from the electorate that you cannot. He will excise their anger and will appear the most genuine for it, although not the most capable.  Donald J Trump will excoriate their hatred of the establishment; of which you represent in its entirety.

Essentially, he will use you against you.

In closing, Madam Secretary, I would like to point out that your mere presence in this campaign and the divisiveness which it causes among your own party will allow Donald J Trump to ascend to the Presidency, simple as that.  That ‘super delegates’ tripe, created in ’84 to stave off what happened to Carter during the 1980 DNC, as to prevent such inter-party division will fail miserably, by allowing you to possibly make it into the general election in the first place.

While Trump will bring a new era of fascism not seen in this nation’s history, and may carry out the largest mobilization of undocumented persons ever witnessed, being given access and authority to destroy all dissenters, mass media-driven or individual, and will resurrect the new era of consolidated power not seen since the 1932 consolidation of the Chancellorship in Germany, where by the country’s constitution was suspended under Marshall Law, you are still not the “lesser of the two evils”.  I would venture to demonstrate how nearly despotic your term would be, but I believe strongly you will not get that far.

Donald J Trump has no honor nor values, and he does not hide from that. You pontificate your alleged values yet you possess none.  While he has ran a dominate campaign for his own glory, under the banner of making America “great” again, your only counter is “America is already great.”

I understand not all of us can harbor great charisma, nor have great ideas at times. Trump has no good ideas of any stripe, but he has tapped into an energy you cannot possibly gain yourself. If you really care about what the future lies with the US and its populace, you would get out of the race. And out of the way. The only candidate right now who has no criminal or court charges facing them, and could actually lead long enough to do no real harm is Bernie Sanders. He is not perfect, and I am still not sold on his credibility going forward.  However, he is the only candidate in the field that will not deliver the ‘death blow’ to ourselves or the world.

He is the only one that can defeat Trump.

And I am not a supporter. I just understand where we stand at the precipice of human history. Even if you and Donald don’t.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Combustible Animal Vs. The AlphaBeast-Part II Donald Trump

KC Shoen

Donald John Trump has always been a misogynistic, self-aggrandizing, narcissistic ass. That’s the easy part, but this is where multiple, one-dimensional missives overtake the exact nature of the whole, particularly in main stream media.  Upon formerly announcing his candidacy for the Presidency under the ‘Republican’ banner last year, much of the press went straight into ‘marginalization mode’. But not one outlet cast incredibly arrogant shade and pompous condescension more prominently than The Huffington Post. in a July 17, 2015 article, a pathetically shallow and short-sided announcement from staff writers  Ryan Grimm and Danny Shea stated wistfully:

“…we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you’ll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.”

Glen Greenwald recently wrote an excellent piece on the mainstream media’s penchant for hollow prognostics as legitimate certitude when writing about Trump. While covering these putrid phenomena with great insight, it left out HuffPo’s incredible self-serving artifice without mention.And why this is important to recount it is to understand Donald Trump’s complete hatred and contempt of being marginalized.

Even if it is in jest.

 In 2011 he attended President Obama’s annual White House Correspondence Dinner. This is the yearly event where the Commander in Chief goes on a ‘piss taking’ rant, lets his collar loose and enjoys a bit of self-denigrating humor at his expense as well. This was during Trump’s ‘birther’ salvos he attempted to resurrect and make issue of that year. The President, within 3 separate monologues during the first 18 minutes of his opening speech was dedicated to dissing the Donald with regards to his show (The Apprentice), the birther rubbish he tried to spout, and his over-all tackiness. While very effective, hilarious as hell, and well deserved, The Donald was visibly unhappy at being made ridiculous. 

Throughout the core of his adult life, Trump was a liberal democrat. Upon testing the waters in 2000 he decided to withhold running as he felt (and correctly so) the timing wasn’t right, and the support was not present to run as a member of the “Reform Party”. It also elicited the membership of David Duke and Pat Buchanan which did not sit well with him.

Trump began in 2011 to court and support the Republican Party in more consistency than previously years. In 2012 he backed a cautious Mitt Romney, whom did not take a clear “shine” to the celebrity billionaire, and had declined the offer to have Trump appear with him when he stumped around the country.

Though he had pledged support to the party, what he really wanted was to be taken seriously with regards to his own political ambition. An ambition that did not make itself known,  until, quite accidentally, during  an obscure television interview with Phil Donahue  in December 1987. He was invited on the famous talk show to discuss his book The Art of The Deal. The conversation went from his history in the real estate business and touched upon some of his then-legal issues he was facing in New York.

As the conversation unfolded with regard to the zoning issues and legal hassles he was facing, Donald Trump began to speak of then- New York City Mayor Ed Koch fielding “the most corrupt administration in the history of the city”, his first on-air political public statement (starting at around 7:34 in the video). Later in the program, as he is asked by an audience member why he does not run for public office in the city, Trump responded he had no desire to run for any office in New York. 

When asked by another about running for any office, (beginning at around the 4:53 mark) Trump went on one of his now infamous signature rants, blustering about economic unfairness, the US being taken advantage by the Japanese in trading, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia gauging the US in oil prices, the US defense budget paying for military protection utilizing our assets for these three countries and so forth. This goes on until solidly until the 8-minute mark.

Soon after this appearance had aired, Trump received an unexpected but enthusiastic bit of correspondence dated December 21 of that year, the short letter didn’t laud him for his real-estate acumen, but for something else:

 “Dear Donald

I did not see the program, but Mrs. Nixon that you were great on the Donahue Show.
As you can imagine, she is an expert on politics and she predicts that whenever you decide to run for office, you will be a winner!

With Warm Regards
Sincerely, RMN”

With this alleged blessing of the Nixons, Trump would look at himself in a different light: he had gone from being a failed show business investor, a quasi-monarchial inheritor of his grandmother’s business by proxy of his father, having to deal with the mafia in his investment foray of Atlantic City, legally accused of being overtly discriminatory against housing people of color, eventually going bankrupt when his Taj Mahal failed to appeal to consumers in 1991.

He went from being acknowledged by the murderous capo and don ‘Little Nicky” Scarfo as a legitimate businessman to being acknowledged by Richard M Nixon as presidential material. It was more than a watershed moment; it was an absolute chance to build his brand in such a way where any marginalization either from the press, the public or his enemies could forever be marginalized in and of itself.

As a male, I can attest that nothing is more wretched, fearful and generates more feelings of anxiety, vulnerability and pain than that of marginalization. To be deemed ‘not good enough’ by any important figure in your life: be it a parent, a loved one, the general public, or any entity whose opinion you value more than your own. And is made more horrific have you not the foundation of genuine self-worth and humility to know your own human value being truly meaningful, and you have to learn this. Genuine self-value is taught, not inherent.

This is not to exclude women by no stretch in this, but men, by and large are taught from a young age that any expression of hurt, doubt, or inadequacy is tantamount to being weak; a ‘pussy’, to be reduced as being an effeminate coward deserving of retribution and ridicule. Men are often ’dressed down’ in certain circles for not being ‘man’ enough.  Donald Trump’s military school background, which he attended from ages 13-17 most certainly left a lasting impression on the personae of being an ‘alpha male’. That age bracket is the most tumultuous for any teenager, and for boys that is the time we establish the further attributes and latitudes what it is to be a ‘man’, and not just in our sexuality but in our identity. It is a potent mix of taboo, minefield and stunning realization.

Donald J Trump may have ‘survived’ this experience intact. But something had to have ‘died’ as well. Most financially driven and successful people usually possess a heightened level of sociopathy and are incapable of empathy with regards to their actions and how it impacts those who are less fortunate. American business is riddled with this, and has been demonstrated countless times in history. He who often has the most money and power, cares the least of humanity. And those of us who speak the loudest, are the most afraid among us.

Donald’s sociopathy was at one time considered entertainment.

It was in 2003 when The Apprentice first aired that Trump captured the American imagination of opulence, self-aggrandizement, punitive and pugnacious behavior as chic entertainment value. Although not nearly as intelligent as Hillary Clinton, Trump has several attributes that she herself needs but will never obtain:

Pure vitriolic charisma, understanding the mind of the ‘common man’, and an insatiable outwardly and angry pugilism.

Trump understands the American public as being an attention-deficit mindless crevasse devoid of critical thinking and imagination. He is clever enough to note that it is not intelligent discourse or meaningful parlance of educated expression that captivates. It is a mob mentality replete with coercion, fear and ignorance of the highest order: a materialistic mob that needs validation and entertainment, that loves its money and guns and wants to feel ’special’.

From the upper middle class to the ghettos, Trump’s Apprentice resonated in places and demographics no other has ever reached in such unison and concentration. The show was a complete American original, unlike its contemporaries The Weakest Link or American Idol which borrowed elusively from its British forbearers, the show was Americana in all its money obsessed, celebrity worshiping, draconian social classicism. No other culture on the planet could pull such a thing with sleek showmanship, vice and malice. Trump as the kingpin represented the petulant social Darwinism America in particular is so prone to, and still worships.

To Hillary’s Combustible Animal, he is the AlphaBeast.

Donald’s verbal denigration of women comes from a tradition of the Alpha male: the subjugation and conquering of the ‘lesser’ sex as proof of legitimate male dominance. The women have to be the ‘prettiest’ and the most ornate. They also have to withstand bad treatment and abuse (such as rape and domestic violence), and are not allowed individuality or validation as people. They are trophies to be collected and admired, but not heard from. Property for and of the ‘champion’ and nothing more.

If the allegations of rape and verbal abuse against Trump as presented by his first wife are initially correct, then it communicates Trump’s sociopathic disposition with regards to women, even those in his own life. As fact in this cannot be discerned with any level of verification, one could still make the assumption given his comments and latitudes on the subject of women that he does not regard women as more than this.

Women cannot be intellectual, talented nor brilliant in their own being. They must be ‘attractive’ and ‘quiet’: non-threatening to the Alpha dominance.

I believe Donald Trump hates women as people, because he fears them.

And this fear, I believe, is rooted not only of the intelligence and ability arena, but also of female sexuality. As an Alpha, he must be the best at everything including sexual conquest. Women are not allowed in his realm to be better at this conquest than he, or it will be a direct threat to his sexual prowess. And his penis

A woman cannot be ‘like a man’ and have multiple sexual partners, and enjoy sex strictly for its satisfaction only. But they do, so Donald, like many conservative, religious, macho males cannot deal with a sexually charged female whom is independent of that Alpha Male mentality, and is confident and comfortable enough just to ‘get laid’ for the sake of getting laid.

They don’t like it, because it means that their penis is not the only penis that can satisfy, so to speak. There are others, and they can explore, just like men can of women. To the AlphaBeast this is sheer terror and is not to be examined or sanctioned.

It reeks of marginalization, and Donald can’t have any of that. Even his having a daughter does not impede this, as the ’woman’ context is different when it comes to the female child of an Alpha male.

Donald’s tirades against immigrants, Muslims and other people of color are reflective also of his upbringing.  I can state from my own personal experience as a white person that we were often told, even somewhat passively, that white people are more ‘exceptional’ ‘smart’, and deserving’ of prestige than those of color, particular African-Americans. This argument needs not one in-line reference, for it is that true, and it is that profligate.

 Unlike Hillary,  the use of coded, Orwellian language hasn’t even been proffered by Trump. At all. He has been unabashedly explicit in his contempt of illegal immigrants, Muslims and the Eugenics-based theorem of profligate ‘black-on-black’ crime (which does not exist). He has no issue with inciting violence at his rallies, and could care less about the Black Lives Matter movement, women’s reproductive rights, or disparaging his ‘Republican’ opponents leading up to the bludgeoning that was the Indiana Primary on May 4th.

The main reason for this astounding success is he is not beholden to any special interest or lobbyist group. He is beholden only to himself. Secondly, his celebrity alone has allowed his ‘brand’ traction, getting the gift of nearly 2 billion dollars of free airtime by the feckless and corrupted corporate mainstream media, which has spanned the entire course of his maturing campaign.

As he has all but secured the nomination for his ‘party’, he has not slowed down any of this rhetoric nor curtailed it. In leading his charge for possession of the White House, he is currently performing two of the three important processes in which has earned him such support from his predominantly white, Alpha Male angry ‘proletariat’ as a nativist/ populist candidate , and they are

1)-Identification- properly blamed an ethnic group or groups that are deemed as the basis of the damaged pride of nationalism, economic disparity and depression of defense of the nation’s borders, so as to retain its purity and piety of ‘culture’ preservation. His blaming violent crime and malfeasance on Mexican illegals, and offering a full ban on non-American Muslims to the U.S. has resonated with his supporters. By dehumanizing these groups, and making them the root cause of the Nation’s perceived low-standing in the world, it makes the 2nd process simpler to execute.

2)-Isolation-By identifying the ‘problem groups’, the proletariat has now mobilized, on their own volition to ‘make an example ‘of these groups, and assist with the further dehumanization. As example, violence against Muslims has increased nearly 25% since Trump’s entry into the primaries, and anti-immigrant rhetoric on-line has nearly tripled. It is important for the core proletariat to continue the mission of indoctrination, spreading the message as prescribed by their preferred candidate as to draw further support prior to the general election, so as to also further isolate these two groups and cause them fear of their own well-being for easier dismantling and denigration.

The third, Eradication, can’t be fully realized nor executed yet until Trump is properly elected. For this to take place after such an election, would require him to refer to history as to properly manifest dictatorial control of a nation, and to utilize Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 to enact Martial Law. Any insurrection, dissenting voices or violent action could be immediately attributed to these groups and as justification for Martial Law, and can be expanded to assert more defined and control en masse over a proletariat, and by all means necessary, begin such eradication as deemed fit by the installed regime…

 Nativism +Nationalism = Fascism, folks...

Think it can’t here in the Grand ‘Ol USA? Think the Donald is not capable of such a feat? Still think he’s impudent, stupid, self-obsessed bore not able to achieve the highest office? Think he’s just an unsophisticated brute not tempered enough to be an acting President? Still think that he will be ‘stopped’ in the general election and made ridiculous for his megalomaniacal efforts just in the nick of time?

Any of these define your mindset, then history is not your strong suit, and your blinded bias to ‘party’ makes you lame. You must be a harbinger of American Exceptionalism, that draconian and unenlightened “it-can’t-happen here” stupidity.

If your one of those so certain of America’s absolutism as for it never to be subject to fascist parlance, maybe you should track down a native German over 70 years old, or attend a holocaust survivor presentation given weekly here in Los Angeles at The Museum of the Holocaust, and tell them it can’t happen here. Listen to their response…

And then take your public ass-kicking like a mature adult.

Then read up about this dude’s psychological assessment (starting at around page 7), and convince yourself there are no core similarities of character that was assessed in regards to Hitler that are not relatable or directly relative to Donald Trump as to his current political rise.

For example:
The need for validation through public adulation by way of oratory runs concurrent for both men. Both men had a limited dichotomy of contextual content within their oratory: falsehoods become convincible 'facts', and public displays of Alpha Male dogmatic charisma become its own conviction of truths among the faithful proletariat. Both men haven’t a problem with the instigation of violent protest in their honor and support. Both courted power among the political elites prior to their own ascension, and both men are megalomaniacal, extremely insecure within the privacy of their personal lives: extremely sensitive to criticism.

Both men believe that ethnic groups and people of color are not part of making each of their countries “great again”, and believe that identification, isolation and eradication of this groups is essential to bringing a “better, more secure nation”, and both held fairly close relations with anti-ethnic/ pro-Aryan groups in their initial rise, but keeping enough distance with these groups until their political fortunes were secured. 

Both men took flight amongst a divided nation, cultural derision, and where the economy was in shambles, and corruption from the Establishment was perceived as against the “common man”, praying upon the fears of marginalization to a group believing itself displaced by these upheavals, and deserving to be “on top again"

Their rhetoric, although not carbon-copy, imbue the same sense of Nationalistic pride most often eschewed by men who are in search of great power and control by inciting such emotions by utilization of broad sentiments not supported by facts, or facts not entirely complete.

“The response of the Weimar Republic …has been sorrowful. They want to change our population to fit our territory. They encourage the emigration of new generations of Germans. Our best minds are leaving Germany. If the best continue to leave, our nation will collapse….Today it is clear that the Weimar Republic could not succeed in winning the future for Germany. We National Socialists therefore make the holy promise never to rest in raising up Germany.” 

-Adolf Hitler speech excerpts from The Nuremburg Rally, August 20, 1927

“The world is collapsing around us, and many of the problems we've caused.  Our president is either grossly incompetent…. or he has a completely different agenda than you want to know about, which could be possible.… the politicians talk about it and they do nothing about it… They talk about executive orders and they talk about immigration ..… I know what needs to be done to make America great again.  We can make this country great again.” 

-Donald Trump, speech excerpts from the Iowa Freedom Summit, January 24, 2015

Both men suffer the most crippling of all ”diseases” of the AlphaBeasts: The component of the fear of marginalization , both sexual and personal, which they both view as the largest threat to their being. Megalomania does not allow room for moral inventory, self-examination nor nuance.

Fear is powerful breeder of contempt, both individually and collectively. These two men were and are loud speakers in voice, afraid and loathsome….one of whom was able to systematically destroy 8 million people. How much can the other destroy if and when he gets the chance?

And when will you the ‘voter’ finally regain consciousness?

The’ progressive’ who isn’t one, if elected will merely continue both domestic and foreign policies of her predecessors. The financial sector is overdue for another great crash that will further the divide between the haves and have-nots, and ‘President’ Clinton will do nothing. 4-8 years of status-quo. Foreign policy will continue with drone strikes, further invasion and usurpation of any country that does not play along to America’s Corporate interests, and the expansion of ISIL in the Middle East will continue unabated.

Her callus and witless mindset, so prone to sloppy plights of executive malfeasance will also continue. The environment further withers, and draconian laws and punition will continue as well, as more people of color will face more time in prison, and more unarmed black males get shot for no reason, and no punishment for gun-happy law enforcement.

The courts devolve into a more corrupt version of themselves, and the Supreme Court becomes a place where justice can only be sought by the highest bidder, and Habeas Corpus takes a further beating closerto extinction, just like all the American Civil Courts throughout the country at present. Prison construction may slow down initially, but will rebound sharply as soon as she is able to re-start another foreign conflict to add distraction to the American public. The media will continue their partnership with her, and she will aide the nearly-defunct “Republican’ party and drag it back from extinction. These are her ‘friends’ as well, and she got to be a ‘team player’ and keep that lobbyist money train diverse, thick, and plentiful. It helps her and her “democrat’ brethren

After all , it’s good business…and never personal. Not now

Her cabinet will be lined with all her personal cronies: her homeboys and homegirls from Wall Street included.

It will be Obama’s ‘3rd term’, really.

No. Real. Change…Just a bit worse than now. The Combustible Animal will make ‘friends’ anew, which means more gravy for herself and her ‘brand’. The legacy re-stablished, histrionics re-written, and the continuation of the US decline in the world and at home…and no criminal charges of any stripe against her behalf. Mission Accomplished.

‘President’ Trump would bring a totalitarian flavor to his Presidency, suspending the Constitution in favor of a modern-day Reichstadt (just without all the black-and-tan uniforms mixed with swastika arm bands). He will take it slow at first, but will work behind the scenes to exact Martial Law and create a culture that allows for no redress, expression, dissension, or polemics that do not align with his own to stand. The resurrection of the concentration camps will replace some prisons, and they will be given a different nomenclature than Nazi Germany or North Korea, with names like:

Repatriation Detention Facilities, Homeland Unity Retention Complexes, Re-alignment Housing Centers, Rendition Houses, International Intermediary Holding Facilities, Non Naturalized Citizen Warehousing Detention Centers, Terrorism Prevention Holding Units, Citizens Housing and Detention Units, Compulsory Consignment Detention Facilities & Redistribution Centers... get the idea. All creatively named centers and concentration camps for those who don’t look nor act the part of the “Making America Great Again”; Those who are poor, weak, crippled, uneducated and non-white will be stripped of everything, eventually their lives will be compromised as well.

As the constitution is suspended, so are its tenants. The press had better make themselves cuddly with President Trump or face incarceration themselves for speaking out of line against he and his authority. The Department of Defense, at first, will repel against him, but an 11th hour agreement allows them quasi-autonomy for exchange of this Martial Law enactment initiated by President Trump. It will be the first time in American history the military is brought in as direct assist to the ‘new leader’, having a shared stake in the ‘ruling’ of America, post-Constitution

And what of the ‘1% per-centers’? They will love this! They will, for the first time, directly dictate all manner of commerce without governmental oversite, protections nor regard to law or environment. To them, Trump is the New Christ who has ‘set them free’ and allowed to be the true ‘masters of the universe’.

The NSA, CIA and FBI will be given full amnesty to spy on citizens in greater expanded density, as to stave off any resistance that might come from the proletariat. Your internet browsers ( PC, Smartphone, Iphone etc) will be saturated with back-door viruses and digital tracking malware. Computer and software companies will be forced to act as slave maidens to Trumps regime and help them stay ‘ahead of the curve’ of potential digital dissenters and hackers. Remember, the Constitution has been suspended, and Trump is free to draft laws of his own as he sees fit. Microsoft, Apple, Google and other tech giants are now wards of the State, and must act in the States interest, or be destroyed, dismantled and imprisoned accordingly….

It’s fun to exaggerate a bit for extrapolation.  But how much of this is far-off, really?

The choice is appearing to be more and more the Combustible Animal vs. The AlphaBeast. They both are facing potential criminal and civil cases during the course of their campaigns that they may be summoned to testify against, and possibly charge...  before the election itself

At the most crucial time of our national history, this what we have as a choice: two candidates who both were impacted by Nixon at various stages of their careers, yet both make Nixon look the righteous choirboy by comparison.



Destructive, no matter which way one goes.

So how did we get here?

We did this: the American Citizen and voter, did this. With help from our parents and family who came several generations before us, all contributed. Complacency, ignorance, laziness, distraction, and the perpetual need to fulfill our personal status did this. Never stopped long enough to halt the building blocks in history that fomented what we have at exactly this time.

Nothing has changed, because we didn’t. We stood in place. ALL of us

And we have gotten what we deserve: two completely self-enamored elitist trash-bags who care not a damn for the rest of us still struggling to move forward economically, and in a world so impacted by our retarded, avarice and destructive foreign policy

We have earned it. 

We didn’t stop the decades-worth of malfeasance strongly enough, so this now is as part of the chaos theory; the butterfly effect. Decisions and actions seemingly simple yet corrupt were never corrected in their domino -like impact, but were allowed to worsen and spread like cancers ignored.

This is America. If one person outside of this country were to judge us for our allowing these asshole criminal candidates to be in the running for the highest office in the US , one could make this simple perfunctory summation:

‘Goddamn, Americans are fucking stupid!”


The Cobustible Animal Vs The AlphaBeast-Part I: Hillary Clinton

KC Shoen

I have a rather long history railing against elections of all stripes for their corruptible processes, and railing against the electorate who posture, condemn, cuss, harass, condescend and justify ad-hominid exchanges  against opposing candidates, parties and their supporters without adherence to informed, objective overview: i.e. ‘exact nature’ of  what these candidates are, and what they have done. Equally important, which corporate sectors or entities have supported them and drive their policy-making derivative of such confluence.

And it is that time again: the fundamental American rite of passage to vote against one’s own interest is upon us. Many of you that have participated thus far in this 2015/16 primary cycle now believing your candidate is representing your best interests. As if your personal calculated bias to the your ‘party’ or candidate will somehow reap a favorable outcome non-respective of the candidate’s ties to lobbyists that they troll (or that they are trolled by), or examine the acidic vitriol they weave publicly for your consumption and support.  Logic, understanding exactly what is the ‘engine’ that drives these side shows, vetting their activity and messaging with more scrutiny becomes immediate casualty.

For this, I don’t vote. I don’t vote because there are no ‘choices’: period. The mantra of voting of the ‘lesser of two evils’ is not sacrosanct; it’s closer akin to a complete act of participatory conformity for the sake of the act itself, whilst the act of voting produces no discernably positive outcome for change. Write-in votes and voting as rebellion is complete self-serving pretention with no real palpable impact as well.  

But don’t take my word for it: just look at the 40+ years since Nixon.

Living wages haven’t increased meaningfully since 1970: Jobs and pay are still at-issue.
The defense budget, which, since 1960, has ballooned to become 55% of all tax-payer driven federal discretionary spending, despite recent poll upon poll revealing that the American public wants sharp curtailment of this expenditure, and wants to be relieved of participating in ‘spreading democracy’ oversees for the sake of ‘anti-terrorism’ and American ‘exceptionalism’.

Add to this, the 15 years’ worth of US occupation and combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, with Iraq’s northern territory still heavily fortified by ISIL to date. The legacy of that invasion, and subsequent overthrow of Saddam Hussein which led to the “de-ba’athification” as proposed by the now-defunct ‘Office of Special Plans’ under the Bush Administration (you recall the geniuses behind that brilliant strategy: Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith), which in turn gave rise and resource to the sectarian resistance lead by a very sophisticated organization of the Daesh itself..

Nothing has changed.

Years of violating foreign national sovereignty, war, cultural, racial and religious disbarment and dismemberment, marginalization and empire-building for the capture and marketing of resource monetization and western capitalism.

From the Obama’s administration penchant for drone use, re-negging on whistleblower's protections, being rather cozy and cuddly with one of many institutions that destroyed our economy in 2007-8, and for overseeing a country more divided racially, culturally, and economically  then in any other time over the last 45 years.

Tack on Watergate, The Pentagon Papers, Vietnam, the Stonewall Riots, Nicaragua, the multiple Israeli-Palistinean Conflicts since 1967, the Iran-Contra Scandal, The War On Drugs, the Energy Crisis. From the 1968 riots at the DNC in Chicago, the Kent State shootings of 1970, to the S&L Scandals of the 1980’s, and mix in a total of 7  economic recessions since 1970 in the middle of all this , you can see..

Nothing. Really. Has. Changed.

The meaningless nomenclatures of ‘Democrat’ and ‘Republican’ haven’t had any true meaning in nearly half a century as well. The idea of ‘party’ is outmoded, and has nothing to do with the zeitgeist and exact nature of the dynamics on the ground in modern politics, and are out of the biased ‘eye’ of corporate media. To use these ‘tags’ doesn’t serve any real purpose: the only ‘party’ in this election cycle is that of the ‘Corporate Party’ which have steadily and exponentially acquired ownership of the policy process since ’70.

The current frontrunners are re-constituted vermin from this historical and legislative morass. One, notably wears the veneer of ‘progressive’ and really isn’t one.  The other has figured out where to ‘get in to fit in’, and isn’t really a ‘conservative’ either.  Neither are what they purport through their righteous and empty rhetoric, which is also nothing new.  To examine closely their background is to understand why these two current megalomaniacal egocentrics care little for conducting any meaningful activity as it relates to forwarding human progression for this nation or the world, as their own legacies are of higher priority.

In the case of Hillary Diane Rodham, the correct analysis with regard to her formative upbringing is more working class, less elitist American ‘monarchy’ of the Capitalist Realm in its erstwhile roots than Donald John Trump. Her father ran a successful textile business, her mother a home maker. Both were politically active, and the household leaned conservative, with mom being particularly concerned of social injustice. Both parents did not wish for their daughter to be bound by her gender, and to be allowed to seek career over ‘traditional’ roles that being of a housewife and mother. Ms. Rodham came of age in the ‘60s and, living in Chicago, was present in the most conflagrate epicenters of the counter-culture/civil rights movement.

 At the tender age of 13, while canvassing Chicago’s south side in support of Richard Nixon she inadvertently uncovered voter fraud being committed against him in 1960. She famously became a ‘Goldwater Girl’ in the 1964 election cycle. At 17 she was entranced by the Arizona Senator’s unyielding views with regards to the utilization of the Nuclear option against Vietnam and the Soviet Union to combat the communist scourge, his contentiousness against social welfare and the continuing legacy of Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ which he deemed as hand-outs to those in poverty unwilling to pull their own weight, and his racist anti-civil rights stance. Goldwater’s landslide loss to Lyndon B. Johnson that year, although devastating, gave rise to the Conservative movement, and gave both political birth to Ronald Reagan as its helmsman in latter years, and legitimacy as a political force of the modern era. It would also prove most impacting upon Hillary the Younger as Goldwater’s extreme staunchness and political piety she would absorb into her persona when she achieved office.

Ms. Rodham’s time at Wellesley was not ‘dead-time’ as obligatory scholastic placation.  As in high school, she would prove to be an academic of the rarest breed from the day she entered the campus. Academics often pride themselves in their ability to recount regurgitated information as if it is prescient of ‘knowledge’ they harbor originally as their ‘own’, but an intelligent mind receives information, digests it and learns to approach with nuance of the thing as to truly understand it.

Hillary was there to learn, not just awaiting accolades validating time and tenure.  So defined was this intelligence, she chose the radicalistic community organizer  Saul Alinsky as the topic of her senior thesis.  When she had completed it in 1969 she received a well-deserved A grade on her 92-page final paper. She abandoned the ‘Republican Party’ and had realized that she herself was "a mind conservative and a heart liberal". This she had come to terms with, after her attendance of the Republican convention in ’68 where she witnessed the vile racism Nixon was imparting in his messaging against his opponents. Ms. Rodham understood she was of nuance in her politicos, extending this further when she conducted post-graduate studies at Yale, earning her J.D. (Juris Doctorate) in 1973. Ms. Rodham had some substantial firsts in her young life: the first student ever to render a commencement speech upon graduating from Wellesley, to becoming the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation nearly a decade later.

She earned all of it, and of her own volition, work and efforts. In ’75 she would marry William Jefferson Clinton, putting her own path at sacrifice to combine her political ambitions with that of his, and had done so reluctantly, as establishing her separate path, her own political legacy, was paramount. It was a brilliant arrangement however; one that would take them both from the Arkansas Capital Building to the White House to begin engraving that legacy into the stratosphere, with she as First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Certainly, as well, her views on race relations, in regards to crime and wages would take a decidedly more ‘privileged’ and conservative tract. The now-infamous ‘bring them to heel” comment from her egregious and pompous January 1996 speech atKeene State University is demonstrative that Clinton, not only herself entitled, believed as well that harsher rhetoric and approach was needed to extol the privileged. Below are excerpts taken from that speech that makes this argument more palpable, broken up into three sub-sections

“..The first challenge to cherish our children and strengthen the American Family. I know that most of us understand now there is nothing more important than what we give to our children, how we spend our time with them, how we invest our energy, how we love them and discipline them. And each of us has a responsibility to care for children whether or not we are parents. And those of us who are parents have special obligation to do all we can so that every American child grows up with two parents in a stable dependable home….

“Most people working at minimum wage are not students, are not temporary workers. They are working people supporting themselves and children. Very often they are single parents; they work in our restaurants..gas all the jobs that keep things going .. that may not be very visible but are essential to our economic well-being..and take care of us.”

Crime Bill
“We.. have to have an organized effort against gangs, just as in the previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on, they are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore…they are often the kinds of kids called ‘super predators’:   no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel..”

As George Carlin once said, it is the language that you use that gives it away, referring directly to the euphemistic and coded language often spun by professional politicians and corporate enterprises alike. It is the language used to hide true meaning and intent, and used to trivialize, or soften a complex or difficult subject. It is also use to manipulate and evade for the sake of its own preservation and expansion of power.

The ‘language’ captured here represents the pathos of white, upper-class entitlement. The words either underlined or emboldened for emphasis indicates where the context and pattern of this pathos makes itself clear. She speaks of children in the opening portion of her speech as if nearly a Rockwell painting of pure Americana.

White, privileged Americana.

In the second, she interlopes pronouns of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in explanation of minimum wage increase for the working poor. Even in ’96, the predominate faces one would see at a gas station or restaurant was usually non-white, particularly in almost every large liberal American city. The last line in that paragraph really shines the light on the assumption of social piety, structure and stature with regards to the working class, stating of these workers who” ..may not be very visible but are essential to our economic well-being..and take care of us.”

This summation of entitlement and exceptionalism is affirmed when Clinton speaks of these illusory, non-existent (and ethnic) ‘super predators’. The term ‘children’ with which the delicate adjective being reserved only for the deserving; the ‘innocent’, is replaced with the blunted adjective of ‘kids’ as a demeaning pejorative when referencing gangs and the crime bill. Instead of  “..there is nothing more important than what we give to our children”, the tone changes to “ the kinds of kids called ‘super predators’:   no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel..” there’s was no further exploration of a “dependable home” for “”. Just that they need to be “brought to heel”, like some rabid pit bulls devoid of being deserving of such compassion.

Hillary began her separation from her own working class beginnings with these phrases, taking a cue from the staunchness of Barry Goldwater himself. Language gives you away, indeed

Certainly there would be other  questions of integrity, ethics, and legalities with regards to her business dealings around that timeframe: the Whitewater controversyTravelgateFilegate, and  the cattle futures controversy, just to name a few. But all had turned up nothing, and the Clinton’s collective empire building continued through the late 90’s through Bill Clinton’s second term.

 There was a nagging situation, however, from some second-rate actress, and penthouse centerfold  who had tried to make some noise in ’92 about an alleged affair she had with Bill Clinton, but even that did did not impact the power couple’s rising stock and power..

Then August 17, 1998 happened.

This was the very moment of the ‘grand tilt’: The Lewinsky affair. It turned Hillary from a less-than-perfect potential human force of change for the common good into a completely monstrous cataclysmal human archipelago of megalomaniacal sociopathy; morphing into a combustible animal of entitlement with a hunger for vindication and validation. This assertion is not naïve:  she exhibited tell-tale shades of highly questionable ethics as mentioned above, co-sponsoring and supporting the odious and racially oppressive 1994 crime bill her husband put together which decimated impoverished African-American communities through increased incarceration and prison construction, both as extension of their political capital, and conforming to the blithely draconian war on drugs.

But what should have been a private, domestic matter between husband and wife turned into a rollicking big-top event for all the public to participate in. An issue that not only destroyed the image of the Clinton brand politically, but produced a smeared and septic perception of their marital union being that of convenience, a business arrangement purely for that of political clout and personal expansion of wealth; not built on mutualistic trust, love, empathy and human companionship.  Adding infidelity into an already-questionable mix of seemingly dubious activities and ethics, it morphed into the projectile nearly sinking their ship.

Hillary would never again allow further damaging of the very thing she had strived for initially since her academic youth: legacy. Political legacy. The Combustible Animal that is now Hillary Rodham Clinton, was borne from this embarrassment, pain and insult. Greedy, hawkish, manipulative, corrupted and without discernable human compassing that resembles anything sentient.  Deposited deep into the catacombs of self-consuming wealth and prestige, so destructively protective of she and her husband that any individual inside their 'circle' who would have temerity enough to question their integrity, or was not loyal, could be met with career destruction, incarceration, or possibly meet a ‘curious’ death during such imprisonment.

The intelligent nuance she had grasped and utilized to great affect in her younger years now evaporated. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s anamorphia deducted her ‘liberal heart’. Though her persona never truly was imbuing of complete organic authenticity by no stretch, (as no career attorney nor politician truly is capable of that level of humanistic piety), whatever redeeming conscientiousness she did have left in reserve died on that August day.

This Combustible Animal now has the teeth, will and means to participate in the monetary misogyny that is politics, and has done so unrepentant and unapologetic through the years since. Pugilistic through polite pontification,  euphemistic jargon and gerrymandering:   Hillary Clinton now is an Orwellian feat accomplished.

Even as this is written, the ‘feat’ in 2016 has seen Hillary’s derisive disdain against dissenters, or those who dare question her activity, ethics or integrity are on full display: be it in her presence, in debates with youth voters using passive aggressive dismissal when addressed directly about the impact of over-incarceration, to near-pejorative, condescending brinkmanship to cut off the conversation entirely. Secretary Clinton’s  24 year-plus history with accepting speaking fees and campaign bankrolling  from the financial sector is also not up for debate ,  contract review nor substantial moral inventory, not even as a passing, topical conversation during a campaign stop in an attempted non-substantive interview. And when she isn’t committing full-on misdirection when asked about the subject of her speeches to Goldman Sachs, (or ‘laughing it off’), she is outwardly vitriolic when faced with a reasonable and factual question from a constituent in regards to the energy lobby’s financial contributions to her candidacy.
She has been righteously disingenuous with regards to the e-mail server fiasco while Secretary of State, which metastasized from a less-than-stellar political witch-hunt against her behalf to a potential criminal investigation by the FBI, whom have already secured testimonial immunity for one of her former staffers who helped set up her personal server. The investigation has been a year-long odyssey (at the time of this post), which could see Secretary Clinton being brought in for interview by the Department of Justice  and might possibly see an indictment being levied against her for gross negligence.

To this date, Secretary Clinton has been (as always) dismissive of the possibility. Why shouldn’t she be? Even if this last insurrection of complete malfeasance actually finds her doing prison time, why should she be concerned at current? After all, the Combustible Animal has been able to weather such accusation and controversy and has been Teflon, where no conviction or punitive damage has ever laid a hand or a handcuff well enough to stick.

Hillary in a half-life, only promulgating sanctimonious rhetoric to suit her ends, even using gender to engender bias that allows only her advancement.  She can espouse a rousing ‘deal me in’ in response to Donald Trump’s ‘woman card’ reference, but rest assured, the only women’s rights she interested in breaking that glass ceiling with is her own, and no one else.

All this is a full-on, unabridged ‘fuck you’ to true progressives, to women who are not her, African-Americans and the working class. And a special ‘go fuck yourself’ to her own roots. Hillary the FireDog who once did concern herself of how governance and law can change a system from the inside out, is now a complicit Animal in the systemic fuselage of lobbyist malfeasance and policy manipulation, a happy recipient of the privilege to ‘play’, and render smokescreens when any credible question of ethics are directed at her.

The Ghost of Saul Alinksy now properly silenced in her past, the Lewinsky affair placed squarely in forgettable history, as well as possible criminal activity of years past literally and metaphorically buried, she can get on with the task more important than ceasing all combat operations worldwide, ensuring equity within our economic structure, convicting those who have harmed, and continue to harm that structure, seeking fairer trade deals that consider workers’ rights, divorcing herself from corporate PHaRMa , ConAgra, the Financial  and Energy sector leviathans that are destroying our planet., etc…

The Combustible Animal has but a more important goal in mind, and above all else…
