
Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Cobustible Animal Vs The AlphaBeast-Part I: Hillary Clinton

KC Shoen

I have a rather long history railing against elections of all stripes for their corruptible processes, and railing against the electorate who posture, condemn, cuss, harass, condescend and justify ad-hominid exchanges  against opposing candidates, parties and their supporters without adherence to informed, objective overview: i.e. ‘exact nature’ of  what these candidates are, and what they have done. Equally important, which corporate sectors or entities have supported them and drive their policy-making derivative of such confluence.

And it is that time again: the fundamental American rite of passage to vote against one’s own interest is upon us. Many of you that have participated thus far in this 2015/16 primary cycle now believing your candidate is representing your best interests. As if your personal calculated bias to the your ‘party’ or candidate will somehow reap a favorable outcome non-respective of the candidate’s ties to lobbyists that they troll (or that they are trolled by), or examine the acidic vitriol they weave publicly for your consumption and support.  Logic, understanding exactly what is the ‘engine’ that drives these side shows, vetting their activity and messaging with more scrutiny becomes immediate casualty.

For this, I don’t vote. I don’t vote because there are no ‘choices’: period. The mantra of voting of the ‘lesser of two evils’ is not sacrosanct; it’s closer akin to a complete act of participatory conformity for the sake of the act itself, whilst the act of voting produces no discernably positive outcome for change. Write-in votes and voting as rebellion is complete self-serving pretention with no real palpable impact as well.  

But don’t take my word for it: just look at the 40+ years since Nixon.

Living wages haven’t increased meaningfully since 1970: Jobs and pay are still at-issue.
The defense budget, which, since 1960, has ballooned to become 55% of all tax-payer driven federal discretionary spending, despite recent poll upon poll revealing that the American public wants sharp curtailment of this expenditure, and wants to be relieved of participating in ‘spreading democracy’ oversees for the sake of ‘anti-terrorism’ and American ‘exceptionalism’.

Add to this, the 15 years’ worth of US occupation and combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, with Iraq’s northern territory still heavily fortified by ISIL to date. The legacy of that invasion, and subsequent overthrow of Saddam Hussein which led to the “de-ba’athification” as proposed by the now-defunct ‘Office of Special Plans’ under the Bush Administration (you recall the geniuses behind that brilliant strategy: Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith), which in turn gave rise and resource to the sectarian resistance lead by a very sophisticated organization of the Daesh itself..

Nothing has changed.

Years of violating foreign national sovereignty, war, cultural, racial and religious disbarment and dismemberment, marginalization and empire-building for the capture and marketing of resource monetization and western capitalism.

From the Obama’s administration penchant for drone use, re-negging on whistleblower's protections, being rather cozy and cuddly with one of many institutions that destroyed our economy in 2007-8, and for overseeing a country more divided racially, culturally, and economically  then in any other time over the last 45 years.

Tack on Watergate, The Pentagon Papers, Vietnam, the Stonewall Riots, Nicaragua, the multiple Israeli-Palistinean Conflicts since 1967, the Iran-Contra Scandal, The War On Drugs, the Energy Crisis. From the 1968 riots at the DNC in Chicago, the Kent State shootings of 1970, to the S&L Scandals of the 1980’s, and mix in a total of 7  economic recessions since 1970 in the middle of all this , you can see..

Nothing. Really. Has. Changed.

The meaningless nomenclatures of ‘Democrat’ and ‘Republican’ haven’t had any true meaning in nearly half a century as well. The idea of ‘party’ is outmoded, and has nothing to do with the zeitgeist and exact nature of the dynamics on the ground in modern politics, and are out of the biased ‘eye’ of corporate media. To use these ‘tags’ doesn’t serve any real purpose: the only ‘party’ in this election cycle is that of the ‘Corporate Party’ which have steadily and exponentially acquired ownership of the policy process since ’70.

The current frontrunners are re-constituted vermin from this historical and legislative morass. One, notably wears the veneer of ‘progressive’ and really isn’t one.  The other has figured out where to ‘get in to fit in’, and isn’t really a ‘conservative’ either.  Neither are what they purport through their righteous and empty rhetoric, which is also nothing new.  To examine closely their background is to understand why these two current megalomaniacal egocentrics care little for conducting any meaningful activity as it relates to forwarding human progression for this nation or the world, as their own legacies are of higher priority.

In the case of Hillary Diane Rodham, the correct analysis with regard to her formative upbringing is more working class, less elitist American ‘monarchy’ of the Capitalist Realm in its erstwhile roots than Donald John Trump. Her father ran a successful textile business, her mother a home maker. Both were politically active, and the household leaned conservative, with mom being particularly concerned of social injustice. Both parents did not wish for their daughter to be bound by her gender, and to be allowed to seek career over ‘traditional’ roles that being of a housewife and mother. Ms. Rodham came of age in the ‘60s and, living in Chicago, was present in the most conflagrate epicenters of the counter-culture/civil rights movement.

 At the tender age of 13, while canvassing Chicago’s south side in support of Richard Nixon she inadvertently uncovered voter fraud being committed against him in 1960. She famously became a ‘Goldwater Girl’ in the 1964 election cycle. At 17 she was entranced by the Arizona Senator’s unyielding views with regards to the utilization of the Nuclear option against Vietnam and the Soviet Union to combat the communist scourge, his contentiousness against social welfare and the continuing legacy of Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’ which he deemed as hand-outs to those in poverty unwilling to pull their own weight, and his racist anti-civil rights stance. Goldwater’s landslide loss to Lyndon B. Johnson that year, although devastating, gave rise to the Conservative movement, and gave both political birth to Ronald Reagan as its helmsman in latter years, and legitimacy as a political force of the modern era. It would also prove most impacting upon Hillary the Younger as Goldwater’s extreme staunchness and political piety she would absorb into her persona when she achieved office.

Ms. Rodham’s time at Wellesley was not ‘dead-time’ as obligatory scholastic placation.  As in high school, she would prove to be an academic of the rarest breed from the day she entered the campus. Academics often pride themselves in their ability to recount regurgitated information as if it is prescient of ‘knowledge’ they harbor originally as their ‘own’, but an intelligent mind receives information, digests it and learns to approach with nuance of the thing as to truly understand it.

Hillary was there to learn, not just awaiting accolades validating time and tenure.  So defined was this intelligence, she chose the radicalistic community organizer  Saul Alinsky as the topic of her senior thesis.  When she had completed it in 1969 she received a well-deserved A grade on her 92-page final paper. She abandoned the ‘Republican Party’ and had realized that she herself was "a mind conservative and a heart liberal". This she had come to terms with, after her attendance of the Republican convention in ’68 where she witnessed the vile racism Nixon was imparting in his messaging against his opponents. Ms. Rodham understood she was of nuance in her politicos, extending this further when she conducted post-graduate studies at Yale, earning her J.D. (Juris Doctorate) in 1973. Ms. Rodham had some substantial firsts in her young life: the first student ever to render a commencement speech upon graduating from Wellesley, to becoming the first female chair of the Legal Services Corporation nearly a decade later.

She earned all of it, and of her own volition, work and efforts. In ’75 she would marry William Jefferson Clinton, putting her own path at sacrifice to combine her political ambitions with that of his, and had done so reluctantly, as establishing her separate path, her own political legacy, was paramount. It was a brilliant arrangement however; one that would take them both from the Arkansas Capital Building to the White House to begin engraving that legacy into the stratosphere, with she as First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Certainly, as well, her views on race relations, in regards to crime and wages would take a decidedly more ‘privileged’ and conservative tract. The now-infamous ‘bring them to heel” comment from her egregious and pompous January 1996 speech atKeene State University is demonstrative that Clinton, not only herself entitled, believed as well that harsher rhetoric and approach was needed to extol the privileged. Below are excerpts taken from that speech that makes this argument more palpable, broken up into three sub-sections

“..The first challenge to cherish our children and strengthen the American Family. I know that most of us understand now there is nothing more important than what we give to our children, how we spend our time with them, how we invest our energy, how we love them and discipline them. And each of us has a responsibility to care for children whether or not we are parents. And those of us who are parents have special obligation to do all we can so that every American child grows up with two parents in a stable dependable home….

“Most people working at minimum wage are not students, are not temporary workers. They are working people supporting themselves and children. Very often they are single parents; they work in our restaurants..gas all the jobs that keep things going .. that may not be very visible but are essential to our economic well-being..and take care of us.”

Crime Bill
“We.. have to have an organized effort against gangs, just as in the previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on, they are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore…they are often the kinds of kids called ‘super predators’:   no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel..”

As George Carlin once said, it is the language that you use that gives it away, referring directly to the euphemistic and coded language often spun by professional politicians and corporate enterprises alike. It is the language used to hide true meaning and intent, and used to trivialize, or soften a complex or difficult subject. It is also use to manipulate and evade for the sake of its own preservation and expansion of power.

The ‘language’ captured here represents the pathos of white, upper-class entitlement. The words either underlined or emboldened for emphasis indicates where the context and pattern of this pathos makes itself clear. She speaks of children in the opening portion of her speech as if nearly a Rockwell painting of pure Americana.

White, privileged Americana.

In the second, she interlopes pronouns of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in explanation of minimum wage increase for the working poor. Even in ’96, the predominate faces one would see at a gas station or restaurant was usually non-white, particularly in almost every large liberal American city. The last line in that paragraph really shines the light on the assumption of social piety, structure and stature with regards to the working class, stating of these workers who” ..may not be very visible but are essential to our economic well-being..and take care of us.”

This summation of entitlement and exceptionalism is affirmed when Clinton speaks of these illusory, non-existent (and ethnic) ‘super predators’. The term ‘children’ with which the delicate adjective being reserved only for the deserving; the ‘innocent’, is replaced with the blunted adjective of ‘kids’ as a demeaning pejorative when referencing gangs and the crime bill. Instead of  “..there is nothing more important than what we give to our children”, the tone changes to “ the kinds of kids called ‘super predators’:   no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel..” there’s was no further exploration of a “dependable home” for “”. Just that they need to be “brought to heel”, like some rabid pit bulls devoid of being deserving of such compassion.

Hillary began her separation from her own working class beginnings with these phrases, taking a cue from the staunchness of Barry Goldwater himself. Language gives you away, indeed

Certainly there would be other  questions of integrity, ethics, and legalities with regards to her business dealings around that timeframe: the Whitewater controversyTravelgateFilegate, and  the cattle futures controversy, just to name a few. But all had turned up nothing, and the Clinton’s collective empire building continued through the late 90’s through Bill Clinton’s second term.

 There was a nagging situation, however, from some second-rate actress, and penthouse centerfold  who had tried to make some noise in ’92 about an alleged affair she had with Bill Clinton, but even that did did not impact the power couple’s rising stock and power..

Then August 17, 1998 happened.

This was the very moment of the ‘grand tilt’: The Lewinsky affair. It turned Hillary from a less-than-perfect potential human force of change for the common good into a completely monstrous cataclysmal human archipelago of megalomaniacal sociopathy; morphing into a combustible animal of entitlement with a hunger for vindication and validation. This assertion is not naïve:  she exhibited tell-tale shades of highly questionable ethics as mentioned above, co-sponsoring and supporting the odious and racially oppressive 1994 crime bill her husband put together which decimated impoverished African-American communities through increased incarceration and prison construction, both as extension of their political capital, and conforming to the blithely draconian war on drugs.

But what should have been a private, domestic matter between husband and wife turned into a rollicking big-top event for all the public to participate in. An issue that not only destroyed the image of the Clinton brand politically, but produced a smeared and septic perception of their marital union being that of convenience, a business arrangement purely for that of political clout and personal expansion of wealth; not built on mutualistic trust, love, empathy and human companionship.  Adding infidelity into an already-questionable mix of seemingly dubious activities and ethics, it morphed into the projectile nearly sinking their ship.

Hillary would never again allow further damaging of the very thing she had strived for initially since her academic youth: legacy. Political legacy. The Combustible Animal that is now Hillary Rodham Clinton, was borne from this embarrassment, pain and insult. Greedy, hawkish, manipulative, corrupted and without discernable human compassing that resembles anything sentient.  Deposited deep into the catacombs of self-consuming wealth and prestige, so destructively protective of she and her husband that any individual inside their 'circle' who would have temerity enough to question their integrity, or was not loyal, could be met with career destruction, incarceration, or possibly meet a ‘curious’ death during such imprisonment.

The intelligent nuance she had grasped and utilized to great affect in her younger years now evaporated. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s anamorphia deducted her ‘liberal heart’. Though her persona never truly was imbuing of complete organic authenticity by no stretch, (as no career attorney nor politician truly is capable of that level of humanistic piety), whatever redeeming conscientiousness she did have left in reserve died on that August day.

This Combustible Animal now has the teeth, will and means to participate in the monetary misogyny that is politics, and has done so unrepentant and unapologetic through the years since. Pugilistic through polite pontification,  euphemistic jargon and gerrymandering:   Hillary Clinton now is an Orwellian feat accomplished.

Even as this is written, the ‘feat’ in 2016 has seen Hillary’s derisive disdain against dissenters, or those who dare question her activity, ethics or integrity are on full display: be it in her presence, in debates with youth voters using passive aggressive dismissal when addressed directly about the impact of over-incarceration, to near-pejorative, condescending brinkmanship to cut off the conversation entirely. Secretary Clinton’s  24 year-plus history with accepting speaking fees and campaign bankrolling  from the financial sector is also not up for debate ,  contract review nor substantial moral inventory, not even as a passing, topical conversation during a campaign stop in an attempted non-substantive interview. And when she isn’t committing full-on misdirection when asked about the subject of her speeches to Goldman Sachs, (or ‘laughing it off’), she is outwardly vitriolic when faced with a reasonable and factual question from a constituent in regards to the energy lobby’s financial contributions to her candidacy.
She has been righteously disingenuous with regards to the e-mail server fiasco while Secretary of State, which metastasized from a less-than-stellar political witch-hunt against her behalf to a potential criminal investigation by the FBI, whom have already secured testimonial immunity for one of her former staffers who helped set up her personal server. The investigation has been a year-long odyssey (at the time of this post), which could see Secretary Clinton being brought in for interview by the Department of Justice  and might possibly see an indictment being levied against her for gross negligence.

To this date, Secretary Clinton has been (as always) dismissive of the possibility. Why shouldn’t she be? Even if this last insurrection of complete malfeasance actually finds her doing prison time, why should she be concerned at current? After all, the Combustible Animal has been able to weather such accusation and controversy and has been Teflon, where no conviction or punitive damage has ever laid a hand or a handcuff well enough to stick.

Hillary in a half-life, only promulgating sanctimonious rhetoric to suit her ends, even using gender to engender bias that allows only her advancement.  She can espouse a rousing ‘deal me in’ in response to Donald Trump’s ‘woman card’ reference, but rest assured, the only women’s rights she interested in breaking that glass ceiling with is her own, and no one else.

All this is a full-on, unabridged ‘fuck you’ to true progressives, to women who are not her, African-Americans and the working class. And a special ‘go fuck yourself’ to her own roots. Hillary the FireDog who once did concern herself of how governance and law can change a system from the inside out, is now a complicit Animal in the systemic fuselage of lobbyist malfeasance and policy manipulation, a happy recipient of the privilege to ‘play’, and render smokescreens when any credible question of ethics are directed at her.

The Ghost of Saul Alinksy now properly silenced in her past, the Lewinsky affair placed squarely in forgettable history, as well as possible criminal activity of years past literally and metaphorically buried, she can get on with the task more important than ceasing all combat operations worldwide, ensuring equity within our economic structure, convicting those who have harmed, and continue to harm that structure, seeking fairer trade deals that consider workers’ rights, divorcing herself from corporate PHaRMa , ConAgra, the Financial  and Energy sector leviathans that are destroying our planet., etc…

The Combustible Animal has but a more important goal in mind, and above all else…


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