![]() While the corporate media continue to lick their wounds after their self-indulgent fantasy which obstructed their ability to see Trump being elected, and while liberals are vigorously signing petitions in vein to reverse the election results due the popular vote being given to Clinton, ( a result that has happened 5 times in 200 years, never yielding election results ever being overturned ), it is time to acknowledge where the United States is at, the history that brought the country to this strange nexus, and what it will become under the new President. Historical Lead-Up |
Snapshot of Huffington Post just prior to Donald Trump rendering his acceptance speech live via the NBC newsfeeed early November 9, 2016. As HuffPo correctly reported the amount of electoral votes Trump received (276) at that moment, NBC, right up until the acceptance speech could not commit, keeping it incorrectly, at 248 (lower right corner of live-feed window) |
As reported on-line by the New York Post on November 9th, Newsweek blundered by prematurely releasing the Clinton cover edition of the mag instead of awaiting the final results. |
Much of this goes back to the Nixon administration, where Corporations first began to directly assert confluence on local and federal policy makers. From the 70s up until this election cycle, the corporate elite worked strenuously, methodically and in calculaic measure on the dismantling of regulatory control (both financial and environmental), subverting tax law, in tandem with labor wage suppression, to concentrate wealth and political authority to the very fewest among them.
Once the elites congealed and absorbed confluence as a policy comptroller en masse, political parties , both liberal and conservative bent to their will in the hopes of retaining a “place” at that “table” of confluence. The annexation and further corporatization of mainstream media, particularly during the 80’s also served as to further control messaging, content, and made conglomerate an institution that was, at one time, a neutral, concise, fact-based entity whose primary mission was the reporting and dissecting of the issues of the day for public review; what used to be called ‘journalistic integrity”
By the 1990’s, after a decade of crushing unions and scaling back laws designed to keep our financial sector operating in good faith, the Rooseveltian New Deal liberalism was abandoned, the media nothing more than a PR arm of the Executive branch of the government, and the elites , alongside their purchased politicians and candidates from both ‘parties’ were embarking on further, unobstructed consolidation of collective power.
But the ‘coronation’ of their most trusted minion Hillary Rodham Clinton; thought to be absolute in 2016 , was violently rebuked and castigated.
The “Republican’ and ‘Democrat’ establishment, nor the darling sycophant that is the corporate media did not take into account, nor take serious enough to consider the ‘facts on the ground’:
First and foremost, the angry, unrepresented and maligned rural white working class.
The elites, for decades, made caricatures of this group, being benevolently dismissive of their impact, with Clinton salting this wound by addressing half of them as “deplorables”. Four solid decades of malignity had taken its toll on the working class as a whole. Other voters who leaned more liberal and independent were too disgusted with either candidate as to make a decision : the ‘Lesser Evil Vote’ construct was no longer digestible as to make either of the two loathsome , self-aggrandizing dolts palpable long enough to swallow the erudite swill, graft and hollow messaging being spewed by both ,further regurgitated and reconstituted by the condescending and biased mainstream media as legitimate.
Many of whom, sat this one out..
However, the conservative-leaning independent working class whites, however, who took animus to direct action, made themselves available to pound sand in the establishment's ass this time. They came out in droves, not only for the belief that Trump could restore ‘greatness’, but also in defiance of Clinton, who was part and parcel of everything systemically arrogant, filthy, violent criminal and greedy the establishment had actually become. As Obama’s last eight years have shown, there wasn’t any “change” or “moving forward” for anyone from the Rust Belt, to the Deep South, to the parched and drought-stricken Midwest. Job growth was slow to non extant in these swaths of rural decay, while the large urban areas throughout the coastal cities were experiencing a Renaissance of real-estate driven gentrification and expansion.
The Republican candidates were akin to carnivalesque rubes, making themselves available for such similar pounding during the primaries over the summer. In the sea of complete mendacity of mediocrity, Trump came across to them as a ‘straight shooter”, someone who was imperfect, very megalomaniacal and a whole lot of heavy. A whole lot of anti-establishment: being uncannily able to ‘speak’ to them, and appear to be like them. Although a billionaire real-estate mogul and celebutante never having held a 9-to-5 job, Trump spoke to their anger and displacement and made efforts to come to them and be the champion that would re-establish the opportunities, beliefs and beatifications the made America ‘great” Trump became the voice of disenfranchised whites, while the media and liberal establishment had placed distance of engagement. The “forgotten” now had their strongman.
The liberal elites, so self-consumed and linear in vision and vernacular, failed to recognize the surge that was approaching, and that the entirety of the 2016 campaign was not a status quo election.
From the earliest primaries which gave rise to the overwhelming corporate angst and populist messaging being delivered by both Trump and a burgeoning Bernie Sanders, it was clear this was an anti-establishment election of the highest concentration. Not since Vietnam in the early 70’s was there so much revolt coming from multiple grassroot fringes of society. Clinton, the media who championed her, as well the core of the financial sector who supported her were blatantly overconfident. Although Nixon's ‘silent majority’ scenario would play out this time as they had assumed, it would do so against the established centers of political and financial affluence.
This angry voting block, which included the majority vote of white women, slammed that door shut on the establishment, breaking the ‘New Democrats’ 25 year stronghold on American liberalism. The tone-deafness and the criminal democracy-obstruction and consorting of the DNC and Debbie Wassermen-Schultz to lend Clinton a favored, upper hand to curry support away from Sanders during the primaries, the pro-Clinton factions underestimated the contempt the populous was expressing through the entirety of the campaign, and paid for it.
The ‘Camelot’ of the Clinton hegemony died within the beautiful Javits Center on that cold November 8th eve. The ‘glass ceiling’ remaining intact.
The US will now have to face the added inducement of one of the seeds of fascism by having elected Donald J Trump on November 8th, 2016, something it has never experienced in its 240 year history.
.. which is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as thus:
“ loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups”
The concept was first interspersed in 18th century Europe as an identifier of exceptionalism that went beyond family, township or personal creed. The populouses of the European communities aligned their allegiance with respect to their countries as collective, rather than previous identifiers such as bloodline or local lineage within a region. This was directly reflective and parallel with the emergence of general commerce and trade within territories which had created national currency giving greater leverage and movement of peoples and products than had ever in modern history. Such notions of collective peoples had originally began as primordialist: believing a nation's exceptionalism and greatness through its behavior both in history, status and power.
It is from this genesis that other secular, yet similar movements have been borne. Civic, ethnic, religious, national purity, (whether left-wing or pan-national) all currently derive from this worldwide. Since the introduction of nation-states, it has become a fierce polemic. Such movements initially can produce positive results when enacted. A country under a regime which oppresses its people can be made to be ‘given notice’. The Arab Spring was a good example of such nationalist uprisings which began in 2011 under these conditions. But as always true to form, it can be seized and perverted by regimes and foreign governments to suit their own ends, and can be used as a tool of derision and civil war as is the current situation in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
The intrinsic understanding of this is vitally important: it is almost hazard to confound Nationalism with activism at this stage. The Tea Party, in its very early inception was based on the Jeffersonian aspect of taxation without representation: the ideal that Government must be held both fiscally and ethically responsible for its actions in policies of governance. It was built initially on conservative activism. The Koch brothers themselves, seeing this movement gaining traction in response to the ballooning national debt that occurred under George W. Bush, immediately began the process of coopting the movement financially and personally, turning it into the ignorant, xenophobic and nativist group we see currently.
This was never the intent of the Party itself. It was the Brothers Koch who subverted it and rebranded as a political nationalist force. Its context therein by resonated as cartoonish and its collective was populated by seemingly hapless, white rubes ever-bent on the discrediting of Obama’s place of birth and purporting policy obstructionism by election of its members into Congress and the Senate to continue the marginalization of America’s first half-cast President. This alone would be the root cause of the domestic policy failures President Obama would incur, marring his legacy, and painting him ineffective as a leader. The Tea Party became the ‘Party of No’ throughout Obama’s tenure, despite his overall domestic popularity.
Thomas Jefferson became the asterisk of this imparted ideological confluence; histrionics replacing history. And that was the intent. The Brothers Koch, whose family lineage and outliers were responsible for the creation of the racist and entitled John Birch Society in the 1950’s now had in the new millennium a political investment coming to fruition with its current incarnation .
It gave rise to Donald Trump.
Another example of this being that of the Nation of Islam. In its erstwhile beginnings, this movement was created to give the black community a source of unification against the oppressive magnaminty of both segregation and the laws of Jim Crow, where blacks being deemed by law as ⅗ of a human being within the completely white elitist-serving mantra of ‘separate but equal’.
The Nation of Islam became a sanctuary for such race-destroying oppression, particularly for working class and educated blacks who felt no other outlet was provided other than to help themselves through faith that was non- anglo judeo-christian, exclusively to propel their freedom, and to live unencumbered and without threat of violent oppression and marginalization from socially empowered and dominant whites. Elija Muhammad took it upon himself to mentor a troubled but intelligent young man whom had been introduced to the burgeoning movement, one who had written him directly from Charlestown State Prison in Boston professing his loyalty to the cause.
When Malcolm X returned from the hajj in Mecca in 1964, and had decided to broaden the movement's scope to include all people desiring human rights to be honored, whether activist supporters were black or not , he had knowingly prepared his own casket. The NOI, wanting to keep the movement exclusively black, would see to his demise, and the Audubon Ballroom would be littered with bullet holes and pieces of his flesh on that cold day in ‘65. He was aware two days prior they wanted to silence him forever by assassination. They did.
These are the attributes of any form of Nationalism that takes root within a society: Its only goal however legitimate, or noble in their beginning, is centralization of its own power, with one (or few) leading the movement or organization and disallowance for any deviation that strays from the original narrative. Deviation will lead to the death, either of any inclusive ideals that threaten to devalue or diminish its stronghold, or the violent death of any individual or group who dare communicates such deviation, being deemed subversive to the cause.
For a clearer interpretation of Nationalism, it should be acknowledged bi-laterally that groups like the militant Black Panthers from that same era of NOI were not a Nationalist group: though the mantra “by all means necessary” was taken quite literally in their approach, with the incorporation of baring weaponry in their revolutionary movement as part of their visual demonstration of protest. BPP did not consign itself as a movement strictly for disaffected African-Americans: it was quite literally an “emergency response” to the police brutality exhibited in L.A. leading to the Watts Riots of ‘65 and in their hometown, where the Oakland Police Department’s long history of violence and unaccountable oppression toward their community had been allowed to run rampantly without recourse. Years of this brutality, wrongful incarceration and death by the OPD was compounded further by the decade of assassinations which included Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers and JFK. There was no other reasonable option but for BPP to assert itself. The fight for equality became “Black Power”
Because it had to.
But, all-comers were welcome to their cause, and it was understood that a revolutionary movement needed as many voices of dissention against institutional racism and violence imparted against black communities and other minorities, from local law enforcement to the US Government. The activism could only be effective by the multiplication of dissenting voices from all walks of life, not just blacks themselves. After BPP leader Huey P. Newton communicated through a 1972 Dick Cavett television interview that whites could indeed participate in the cause, the creation of the White Panther Party in Detroit was the immediate response to the movement for equality, and the two worked in direct coalition to achieve equal rights through political and legal pressure on the establishment at large.
That is the core of activism: the assembly and coalition of as many individuals within a society as possible for redress of a serious socio-economic inequality , to impart upon establishment governance to correct, change, or make ‘whole’. Activism attempts to address necessary change in order for society both locally and globally to achieve equality, or to desist in a destructive activity, such as the current wars in the middle east, or the continued systematic killing of unarmed impoverished minorities by law enforcement, that has had devastating consequences to societal peace and welfare.
Activism is never ‘pretty’, nor always organized. It is also met with violent resistance not always from the forces of law or Government, but sometimes from the ‘proletariat’ itself.
Michael Brown’s violent, wrongful and unceremonious death by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, and the further overreach of the Ferguson Police Department gave rise to the issue of systematic police brutality via racist doctrines engrained within not only the local culture of the police , but in the locale of Southern whites themselves.
This was further punctuated by the acquittal of Wilson, reminiscent of the Trayvon Martin case several years before in Florida, in where a white shooter was given parlance from murder charges for the killing of Martin, a black teen, allowing George Zimmerman’s weak and ubiquitous self defense plea to go virtually uncontested (the prosecution should also be spat-on for being incredibly incompetent in assembling that case as well.)
From this was born the Black Lives Matter movement. A Mostly Millennial-generation organization whose objective was to bring about national discussion in regards to both the shooting of unarmed black males, excessive and imbalanced mass incarceration of African-Americans and police accountability for wrongful deaths, some of which was sanctioned and institutionalized murder.
BLM has demonstrated itself organically influential in addressing change unlike any activism the US has seen since the BPP. Not only the advent of social media and its immediacy has given it augmentation, the positive response has been intense nationwide. In my 46 years of life, I have never seen a group able to place a presidential nominee on such notice as to cause them to become immediately defensive. When cornered by BLM, both Hillary and Bill Clinton were not able to properly explain, or take accountability, why the ‘three strikes’ law and the near-armageddon level of destruction of black families nationwide since its inception in 1994, was so disastrous. And, much like the BPP, has remained unequivocally open to all-comers from all corners of society, challenging law enforcement and the establishment to be more accountable for its participation in these egregious acts, and the laws and cultural pathology that sanction it.
Over two years after Ferguson, the United States now sees one of the most dangerous incarnations of Nationalism on display: Donald J Trump as President-Elect. And how are these two seemingly unrelated events somehow interlocked? Because of BLM’s successful and languid messaging in addressing the Ferguson effect, many lower-middle class and under-educated whites felt the ‘sting’ of blame, and the pain of the expiring economic exceptionalism they had enjoyed for many decades; now vulnerable and exposed as nothing more the being passively participatory in their own upward mobility at the expense of racial inequality. Many whites do not enjoy being usurped out of entitled sense of prestige, which is often expressed in patriotism, and do not wish to cede confluence they feel is their right to possess, especially to any other group that is not white themselves
I can speak from my own experience with this particular class that this group is the most volatile in the construct of pathological racial marginalization . I know it intimately, as I am white
Many whites like myself are conditioned by our families and communities, either passively or directly, to the pathos that blacks and other minorities can not be as intelligent nor as sophisticated as our european-descended selves.
The aspect of ‘white entitlement’ is entrenched, although not espoused directly. Many of us are taught, even from a pseudo-liberal and egalitarian angle that ‘those people of color’ can never reach the intellectual plateaus of commerce, science and civility as we, the Anglos have done throughout history. Plausible deniability of 400 years worth of violent European colonialism allows this construct to foment as justifiable and normalized. We are just ‘exceptional’, and we have the burden of that exceptionalism to carry with us in our daily lives and dealings with those of color.
Lesser educated whites have the near-exact pathological constructs, but allow direct expression of racial disdain to be more overt; more ‘outbound’ and are not compelled to mute or soften by filter of languidity unlike their educated white counterparts. In a peculiar way, their racism is more ‘honest’ and frontline, while the educated elite hide behind veneers of neo-liberalist, pseudo-progressive mantras, academics and euphemisms to blanket over this ‘white entitlement’ pathos which is at our core as a race.
For the lesser educated sect of white America, they have watched their “dream’ of the ‘great nation’ evaporate before them. From NAFTA in 1994 to the housing and financial crisis of 2007/8, working class white America has watched their confluence, (which was illusory to begin with), become nearly non-extant. The US, demographically in the last 30 years, has become multi-racial: whites (non half-cast) no longer make up a solid majority. This alone exacerbates animus, which the contempt it causes brings fear, anger, and with anger comes reaction. The very building blocks of nationalist pride begin with these basic circumstances (lack of discernable opportunity/mobility within a presumed ‘entitled’ class of people) and emotions (the pathological construct of racial entitlement).
As such, this has now become the response of marginalized, racist white folks to the BLM, and to societal change which they cannot control
And that response is the cornerstone of Nationalism.
The Tenets of Nationalism
The creation of a partition within a society is necessary, so that the group can identify itself as ‘victim’ in the sea of what it views as a ‘threat’ to its advancement and existence. Donald Trump tapped into and channeled that anger to allow this group to voice its contempt of being ‘victimized’. The simplistic slogan “Make America Great Again” legitimizes this construct to believe itself to be the true ‘greatness’ of a nation that was ‘lost’ through such perceived victimization. This type of partitioning allows release from accountability from acts of discrimination, racism, nativism,entitlement and violence past,present, and future, and if it were to be as a an ‘official requirement’ for ‘membership ‘ and participation, would read thus:
“we are the victims, we will no longer comply with the established cultural propaganda, jargon or current laws, and no longer cede to blame for any of our actions before this or after. We are free to ‘express’ our ‘victimization’, and will ‘take back’ what is ‘rightfully ours’”
All Nationalism begins in this fashion: and as stated before, some legitimately so. The trouble with the partitioning process is that it cultivates secularity, and allows no room for broader discussion and introduction of nuance to issues considered “at stake” for the partition. As nuance is sacrificed, so is the aspect of “exact nature”: facts become subverted and misconstrued, discussion or debate becomes constricted under specific messaging and hegemony, and respect for those whose views differ are eviscerated immediately. As is true for Trump supporters, the same is true laterally for self-described “Black Nationalists”, especially those who prescribe to the abhorrent fantasy that African-Americans can not be racist against whites because they are the oppressed and are not capable of such racism due to this oppression from whites. This partitioning contemplates the same objective as Trumps: the pardoning of the very evils within the partition that which you porten to fight against, that mystically you are above, for you are the “victim” and therefore can not be participatory nor accountable for. Partitioning begins the process of self-serving elevation, where the group therein by becomes more relevant, and more ‘pure’ and ‘above’ than the real issues themselves.
Elimination of Fact
The second tenet of Nationalism: any fact that opposes the group ideology, and the ‘good’ which alleges to parlay departs from real definable “facts on the ground” and trades it with secular ideology that applies solely for the group's’ mission itself. The ideology becomes fact without examination, research nor better human intuition. All “fact”must conform to the group ideology, and not be challenged by science, law, history or scholarly study. It could be stated, thusly:
“These are the facts, and they will not be questioned nor challenged. The facts are what I/we state they are, and nothing else. As a result of our victimization, whatever facts are introduced will not be honored, unless they directly support and enhance our message, and make us ‘whole’ again in the manner we seek.”
Expressed Entitlement
The final tenet of Nationalism . This one is complex, in that some nationalist movements reliability on this tenet have achieved a needed positive change within a society, and is not always negative in connotation. The women’s suffragette movement in the early 20th century which gave rise to the right to vote fell under this, as it was a Nationalist movement for greater equal rights for women under the law.
It’s negative application must be viewed in direct connection the 2nd tenant of the fact elimination by virtue of self created fact, being an illusory/manufactured issue that isn’t one. Better yet, skewering a known issue and its fact to reflect an entirely self-manifested reality, either exaggerated, deliberately misconstrued, or a combination of both. Donald Trump’s foray into the the anti-immigration rhetoric is prime example of this. By postulating a ban on all non-American Muslims entry into the US, and his Southern border wall proposal he establishes within the group thusly:
“As we the entitled class put forth a National dialog of our grievances, we reserve the right to secure our culture/beliefs in the manner that best suits our need. As the entitled class to whom which our nation belongs to, we are empowered to lay blame to those we perceive as the instigators of our suffering and begin the process of correction of these wrongs by cultural isolation through our right to national sovereignty; necessary for our survival and entitlement to carry forth.”
The Fascist 'Family' of Modern History
Hitler and Elijah Muhammad: ‘brothers’ under the ‘skin’
Hitler and Elijah Muhammad: ‘brothers’ under the ‘skin’
Within these tenets, a controversial similarity could be manifested from a historical standpoint,that both Adolf Hitler and Elijah Muhammad are one and the same in this particular facet of each one’s prescribed Nationalist charters.
Both elected to exact focus on a particular group they felt was the very periah of their own ‘kind’ and deemed as the devil incarnate obstructing progress amongst their ‘nations’ at large.
Hitler, a veteran of WW I, believer of the Weimar Republic's abandonment and betrayal of German fighting forces during that conflict , the infamous “stabbed in the back” artifice, where it was believed the Republic had capitulated too soon, when no evidence of defeat was notably seen. This was further exacerbated by the damaging reparations demanded of it as condition of its surrender in the Treaty of Versailles,in particular from France and the UK. The reparations proved excessive and damaging to Germany economically, and, for nearly 2 decades, it would suffer great financial tumult to such a point that its own currency, the Deutschmark was rendered no more worthy than to be used for kindling in a fire. A punishment so excessive, it would not allow Germany room to be self-sufficient and recovery to be a sovereign and productive, self-reliant nation. In turn, It allowed no room for self-dignity for its people.
Hitler had a keen hatred of ethnic minorities, with particular emphasis on Jews. There is nothing in his personal history which would indicate any discrimination nor violent threat or treatment from this group that would explain such intense, and violent acrimony against the Jewish culture and faith as to want to see it extinct.
Conversely, anti-semitism and fascism were an accepted form of revolutionary modicum during that time, considered high-minded and even chic among educated european intellectuals. It is possible Hitler adhesed to these ideals because of conditioning and social acceptance, further compounded by the state of Germany after his tenure in the war. Borne was the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, and with it the sentiment of a ‘Greater Germany’ which would ‘cleanse’ itself of the racial ‘impurities’ which were central to its suffering imparted by the Weimar Republic and their disastrous surrender and failure.
Elijah Muhammad’s life experience with white America, however, was directly damaging and destructive to him personally and to his culture collectively. Years of being denied access to opportunity and education, he willed himself to self-sufficiency, and, after much infighting with family (including death threats) with regards to control of this Nationalist movement, in 1935 established Temples No. 3 & 4 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Washington DC of the Nation of Islam.
Utilizing the Muslim faith and tenets of the Quran as a vehicle of upward mobility for blacks, the NOI allowed those seeking not only opportunity for self sufficiency, but also economic shelter from external forces seeking their marginalization and destruction. Through financial investment, he help create career and work opportunity for blacks wanting upward mobility without having to consign to the racial austerity and oppression of the ‘outside’ with which to do so. It created a less perilous environment for young black men with which to pursue ambition, without threat of incarceration, lynching , and other various forms of murder they would have been subject to by threatened whites.
In its beginning, and throughout the first 2 decades, this was the bright beacon of freedom it had every intention of being for black people seeking repatriation with their original culture and opportunity for advancement and re-establishment with faith to a higher power that answered to their needs.
It was also Elijah’s bully pulpit to exact his rhetoric on race and exclaim blacks as superior to whites for they were the original humans to first inherit the earth, and that the inferior whites were the evil sent by Hell and must be pushed back, even destroyed, for blacks to retain their rightful hegemony in America.
Hitler addressed the similar needs of sovereign racial purity that was required to establish a Nation’s proper rite of position in the world, and for it to flourish was divine intervention for,
”...the existence and increase of our Nation, the sustenance of its Children and the purity of its blood, the freedom and independence of Fatherland, and the nation’s ability to fulfill the mission appointed to it by the Creator of the Universe..”
Both men artfully fulfilled the 3 tenets of Nationalism in their repetitive messaging in regards to particular group needing to be assigned blame, and as such, needed to be ‘dealt with’ for advancement of their right of solidarity to sovereignty. Both incorporated the attribute of higher deity which granted them full entitlement to inherit a ’kingdom’ that was ‘taken away’ by ‘evil’ forces trying to marginalize , even eliminate them as a society.
As one aspired for dignity and greatness for his kinsman who notably were repressed and ostracized within a society after centuries of slavery and marginalization, and the other aspired to raise his entire country out of the shadows of brutal and excessive reparations contracted from premature and undue capitulation by its government to foreign hegemony, they both imparted Nationalism to realize these visions of elevation.
Both men were founding the seeds of fascism in the hubris of Nationalism. One succeeded and ultimately lost a bloody global conflict, the other has passed the torch to an individual responsible for the coordinated silencing and murder of the dissent expressed by Malcolm Little of Omaha.
The Fascist White House: 2016 and beyond
On November 13th, 2016, Donald Trump has named his chief strategist to be Steve Bannon, one of the most influential men of the White Nationalist alt-right movement, which was the core base in elevating Trump amongst white supremacist groups. The mere presence of Bannon, a Breitbart ingenue who lent the Nationalist movement traction and political legitimacy, is the very man who brought them from the fringes of obscurity, ridicule and social ostracization to mainstream recognition as a united political front . As was further profiled by the Dallas Morning News in an November 17th article, the White Nationalist collectives are now thier own ‘establishment’ and political movement, no longer under fear of intense scrutiny nor even subject to legal corollary. Its intellectual leader Richard Spencer, a Dallas native, is the face of these supremacist collectives which will gain further political legitimacy and legrasse over the coming years.
Bannon’s designation speaks volumes to Trump’s intent to lean closer to this portion of his base, and allow direct interaction and confluence into his Cabinet, as well as his administration. Civil liberties will be assailed almost immediately, and much of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 will be shelved, if not abolished. Segregation laws and mores will be re-introduced, this time on a national scale and will not have to be legally justified. The appointment of Senator Jeff Sessions on November 18th as the prospective Attorney General , who has a history of racism and was brought up in the segregated South , assures this possibility.
It is also of no consolation that Obama himself has done his utmost in supplying Trump with the necessary apparatus in which to solidify his immediate transition into his authoritarian rule . This unintended armement which Obama help construct through expansion of Executive powers, alongside legal brinkmanship in denying whistleblower protections , coupled with inducements for the surveillance state via the NSA’s XKEYSCORE program, and, with Trumps very proximity to 33 Thomas Street in New York will bestow him incredible access to digitally monitor every breathing homosapien in the continental US, and overseas without obstruction. Trump’s administration will posses carte blanche to surveille the whole of the US citizenry without impartation or oversight of the rule of law, and to further target all media conveyance of transparency to be subdued directly..
Any dissidence can now be tracked and muted: journalists imprisoned, assets and hardware seized and extracted without warrant, and messaging finitely controlled by his Administration alone.
Trump will also inherit Obama’s expanded military budget, and a drone program without congressional oversight that has killed thousands of innocents in the Middle East, under the guise of striking terrorist strongholds, targets and groups (which, to date have never been verified as effective in this mission).
And how can he do all this without Constitutional interference? He can merely suspended the entirety of it in favor of Martial Law.
Article I, Section 9 ,contained within the US Constitution, reads quite broadly that,
“The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.”
As with any Doctrine of governance, it has included in it a ‘failsafe’ should invasion from foreign occupiers during times of conflict occur, or, if social order has broken down to such an extent that rule of law and constitution must be suspended and martial law imposed so as to restore order. This option has never been enacted at any time in US history. Only during the Civil War was the US ever pushed to the possibility of its demise; and the Constitution being no longer the binding contract of civility and law as it was intended. The US nearly became two permanent, separate nations.
That was 1865.
Like Trump in 2016, Hitler came into power by the sheer voracity of the anger many working class German whites were feeling as a people in 1933. Like Trump, he was elected under controversial circumstances, but it was his charisma the drove him to claim that power as his own by courting that anger into Nationalist rhetoric.
Like Trump, Hitler was originally voted into the chancellorship (whilst Hindenburg was still president); he did not seize power initially, but allowed the democratic process to lend more legitimacy to his eventual attainment of the highest office of governance. Like Trump, Hitler handpicked a coalition of dedicated sycophants, both comprised of strongmen of weak mind, and intellectuals who who were loyal to his Nationalist charter. Hitler created an insular faction within the regime to protect the most important element of it-himself. Hitler openly lent posts and assignments to the most ardent of racial purists (then identified as Freikorps under the Volksgemeinschaft “racially desirable” construct ) amongst his coalition. Trumps knowing and willing coalition with the more mainstream segments of the White Nationalist movement is an indicator of his intent to create a possible insular coalition, beyond just standard cabinet and federal post assignments. Hitler’s SS troops were borne of this: highly skilled killers and assassins with absolute loyalty to him as their ultimate deity, which was his primary wall of defense against attempted acts of high treason and murder against him, from any corner of dictatorships ruling bodies and the proletariat itself.
Hitler, in 1934 suspended the German constitution and consolidated the legislative and executive branches of power, titling himself as fuhrer. As Hitler was able to execute flawlessly, Article 1, Section 9 could be used by Trump in similar fashion to combat the vacuous protests currently occurring against his election nationwide at this time (November 2016), as he could claim that social unrest and disorder is creating a denigrating situation that needs such suspension in favor of martial law with which to restore order. As written in the preamble of the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic”, Trump could leverage himself in this manner by impartation of Martial Law, claiming a “temporary and indefinite suspension” of the Constitution as a measure of homeland security and to subvert “domestic enemy combatants” intent on causing harm to national security.
He could take it one step further and issue an “enemy of the state” proclamation against the general public, such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt did on March 6, 1933 in response to the draining of gold and bullion accounts being taken from US banks and deposited and exchanged overseas during the height of the Great Depression, which was crippling recovery and not allowing these assets to be re-introduced as investment currency to stabilize the economy at that time. FDR reconfigured the language from the original 1917 Trading with The Enemy Act to stop the bleeding of precious metals leaving US banks, declaring a ‘state of emergency’ and a temporary “bank holiday’ to discourage the practice.
By issuing an “enemy of the state” proclamation,”indefinitely” suspending the Constitution and installing martial law, Trump could them impart his own laws as substitute. dissolve Congress and the Senate thereby consolidating power under his hand
There would be nothing to stop him: for there would be no Constitution to hold him accountable to. Trump would be ‘the law’ in and of himself.
Paranoid fantasy? It has already happened in recent history, and in a similar context.
It started with a Nationalist movements, derived out of anger, fear and marginalization. In Trump’s case, the adhesion between himself and White Nationalists was unintended, and he has no direct history in caucusing with the KKK, The NSM , or any other white supremacist entity. prior to assigning Bannon and Senator Sessions to their respective roles. Trump was a ‘birther’ however, and had made alliances with the Tea Party when it went ‘mainstream’. He wasn’t solely elected by these groups: he was victorious amongst angry whites looking for a strongman to champion.
It was Nationalist rhetoric and vitriol as a collective that brought us Trump. It has brought the beginnings of Fascist rule.
Last Grasp
There is currently a petition going around to compel the 538 member electoral committee to cast their vote for Clinton, that the popular vote she garnered to reflect the will of the popular vote by proxy. While the logic is understood behind this petition, it is asking the members of the Electoral Committee, (up to 37 of them), to reverse their states vote in favor of Clinton, and, as already stated at the beginning of this long article, has never happened.
It won’t.
Especially now.
And it is not in the interest of an already damaged and divided society to impart. Asking 37 members to re-cast their district and/or state election results so as to swing the Electoral vote count to Clinton will encourage more unruly protest and escalate violence. Not only will this cause more calamity, but the members of the Electoral college (which is set to convene on December 19th) have to live in these areas and face potential backlash and possible death threats if any member decides to run counter with their state’s representative majority vote in favor of any other candidate besides Trump.
The Electoral college voting system was designed like this: as a “checks and balances” system when enacted in 1787. It is an antiquated system, and should have been realigned some time ago. Waiting for a general election year to make this a priority, after all the votes have been lawfully processed is not only naive, but self-serving. If there were noted and validated voting irregularities discovered, this petition then would be legitimate.
There wasn’t any.
In 2000, there was..but after the Florida vote re-count, George W Bush was confirmed the elected President, and Al Gore wisely backed-off . He , like Clinton in 2016, won the popular vote, but it was the Electoral College vote where he failed to attain the necessary 270-count to garner election victory, just as Clinton was unsuccessful in doing.
The End of ‘The Great Experiment’
The US system of governance has been long championed as the “Great Experiment of Democracy’ among the patriotic class, a ‘bright beacon’ for ‘all the world’. Reagan’s fantastical referencing it as the “Emerald City on The Hill” : an example of its enduring legacy and evolution through popular democratic engagement by its populace. The cornerstone of American Exceptionalism, oft romanticized by many of our finest (and most horrible) politicians….
It’s over folks. We can wake up now.
The US was never a direct Democracy, but, for a long spell it worked..well, at least for the privileged Anglo-Saxons it did…….
A history bombastic with slavery, genocide, open social oppression, legalized segregation, violent religious and ethnic conflicts, greed, oligarchy, sectarianism, racial disparity, sanctioned institutionalized murder, and now with its collective wealth having been transferred to the upper 1%, aided by those who represent ‘us’ ...here we are….
The New Fascist Dawn of America.
We were ripe for this end-game for quite a while.
Anyone who has paid attention and followed the history, particularly in the last 40 to 70 years are not surprised by this outcome. This is the result when a citizenry becomes self-centered, unenlightened and ‘comfortable’ with its material trappings and violently dominant status in the world, allowing Corporate confluence and special interest to infiltrate public policy. Allowing foreign conflict and perpetual war to sustain our perpetual consumerism and continual expansion of control over resources. When social inequality is allowed to breed contempt, and social discourse becomes reduced to draconian animus and apoplexy.
We allowed our media and journalism to be commercially purchased and re-packaged, and by proxy our sources for needed and unabridged information to metamorphosize into entertainment venues devoid of meaningful fact. Also allowed, was for this same media to ‘pick sides’, becoming nothing more than an echo chamber for the liberal and conservative two-party system to control their hollow and deceitful narratives.
Meaningful policy discourse gave way to duplicitous messaging, gerrymandering, schilling, and cronyism.
This is where the Nationalism took hold. Divided enough by class and race, we broke ourselves up into definable groups of opposition and allowed ourselves to be culled by echo chambers that ‘spoke’ to us, and not to the exact nature of facts without bias. A culture unable to deal with nuance, honest language and meaningful discourse. We allowed ourselves and our wages to be imperiled, for our labor unions to become corrupt, broken,or both.
And, God DAMN, do we ever suck.. As a culture, a society and as a populace we got what we deserved.
The New Fascist Dawn of America.
So, what to do? That may entail things this soft, ignorant and angry citizenry is not prepared to do, and hasn’t done meaningfully in about 150 years
Cut the horseshit, and come together as the affected class..the ‘rest’ of us who don’t own this country. It's asking a lot, and its asking for peaceful resolution, commitment and will to change the game. That takes intelligence, intuition, patience and tolerance.
We’re just not like that, friends..
This recent election cycle in its entirety is proof as to what incredibly dull-minded and brutish arrogant cunts we Americans really are. From the elitist pseudo-intellectual educated liberal member of the establishment to the poorest uneducated conservatives among us. Black, white, green, plaid, mauve..whatever the fuck your ‘hue’ is..
We did this: as a collective. Because , as a society, we are full of shit. Period.
Disparaging as this may sound, to completely shift the tenor of this laborious piece into a pugnacious and vulgar rant seemingly filled with pejoratives, it is necessary at this point to take the gloves off , and tell you as my fellow kinsman in this country..
Fuck every last one of us for aiding this. And fuck us for not paying attention.
This is yours and mine to own, friends. No conscience, and no hindsight. No awareness and no wont to pull our heads up and look around as to truly ‘see’, and committing no meaningful action beyond our bias, greed,consumption and obsession with celebrity.
For that alone..fuck every last one of us.
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